Validate your feeling

What are you feeling right now? How do you feel about that feeling? When it comes to feelings that we consider “bad”, such as anger, envy or even fear, we tend to hide them, ignore them and hope that no one sees them. These attitudes, instead of magically transforming them, give them even more strength and potential. Maybe not at that very moment, but somehow the feeling will overflow, and often not in the best way possible.

Therefore, I invite you here to look at what you are feeling at this moment without judgment of value. Simply place your hand on your chest, close your eyes and feel. Sorry. And name it. We are not used to naming what we feel.

According to Marshall Rosenberg, author of the book “Nonviolent Communication”, because we are not in the habit of naming them, we confuse thoughts with feelings. It is necessary to exercise in order to expand our repertoire. If we don't even know what we're feeling, how can we ask the other to understand us?

Validate your feeling
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

During the quarantine I've been attending Coaching and Biographical Counseling clients who can't give vent to their own feelings. This is because they consider them too banal in the face of what people infected with Covid-19 are going through, residents of the periphery who do not have the basic conditions to survive and doctors who are experiencing chaos in care and need to choose who will survive.

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Yes, all this is sad and desperate, but we cannot invalidate what we feel for thinking that there are people in much worse situations.

From the moment we validate our feelings, we allow those around us to do the same. And that's liberating. For all.

Validate your feeling
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

We are at a unique moment in our history when we need to stay inside our homes for ourselves and for everyone. May we take the opportunity to also enter our intimate and discover every feeling that has not been validated until then and let it go. Because feelings also pass, if they have our permission.

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