useless life

β€œWho does not live to serve, does not serve to live.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

Throughout the civilizing process, human beings have been acquiring knowledge and growing in proportion to their degree of intelligence. From the XNUMXth century onwards, when the Spiritist Doctrine appeared, there was a great expansion in scientific and cultural advances due to the historical context of the Enlightenment.

From then on, technological evolution took surprising leaps, providing opportunities for the dissemination of facts and bringing to light knowledge previously considered supernatural. Nowadays, there is no way to claim ignorance of what we are: Spirits.

useless life
Photo by Tobi no Pexels

And, following the moral precepts that Jesus left us, allied to the undeniable clarifications that the Spiritist Doctrine gives us, the human being has the ability to consciously evaluate the reason for his existence.

Along with that, it is up to you to choose the paths of your life for good or for bad. Each day that passes is a time that we receive from the Creator, emphasizing that when lost, it does not return, that is, we lengthen our ever-increasing and incessant evolutionary process of our own volition. It is common to find people totally absent to the needs of others, acting selfishly and living in a totally useless way.

useless life
Photo de Marius Venter no Pexels

This wound that affects human beings is the greatest obstacle to their moral progress. As a social being, none of us can live in isolation. Everyone is needed by everyone! Those who do this have not yet realized that we live under natural laws and that cause and effect are part of our attitudes. We observe that in the field of moral growth there is a huge vacuum, yet to be corrected.

This imperfection and many others are part of our spiritual history through the centuries. We need to prune this root whose tree only bears bad fruit, and seek interior renewal, participating in collective life, practicing fraternity with everyone. It is a long and arduous process. However, first of all, we have to have the will to start this new path. Perseverance is also essential, so that a new root is consolidated, becoming a healthy tree.

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