Use the crisis to your advantage!

In times of uncertainty, swim with the tide! Don't fight the wild waters, go with the flow!
We are experiencing a moment of great global uncertainty! The truth is that no one really knows what the fate of the planet's economy will be. I believe that no economist is able to say precisely now what the proportion of this will be, because everything is still very new to everyone. This is uncharted terrain. And that's where opportunities can arise. Just try to find them!

Use the crisis to your advantage!

One thing I know, and this is a certainty, the way to win in a current is not to swim against it. That would just waste all the energy, be in vain, and likely bring on drowning. According to experts and lifeguards of drowning victims, the first step to save yourself when caught in a current is:

To know how to swim.

Keep calm.

Swimming with the waters instead of against them. This will make sure you don't get tired. When you do this, the current will probably take you into it or maybe even carry you away and throw you to the other side, but if you know how to swim, you can survive. However, if you don't know how to swim, the chances of drowning will be huge.

And so it is in life too.

When difficulties come, they often bring with them the currents of emotions, which by the way try to engulf us. These poorly managed emotions are overwhelming, like the turbulent waters that take us to the depths of the abyss of our existence. It's important to know how to manage emotions! It's important to know how to deal with them, and use them to our advantage! Otherwise, we will be destroyed by them.

In the face of all that has been happening on the planet, we must remain calm!

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Among many laws that govern the Universe, there is a so-called law of rhythm. It determines that nothing remains as it is, everything moves, everything is pulsation and concentration, everything is retraction and expansion. In other words, everything is rhythm, nothing is stopped. At this moment, the planet is going through great transformations and only those who have self-control will survive. You have to dance to the music! You have to know how to follow the rhythm! You have to know how to dance to the music!

You have to go through challenging situations, not freaking out, but looking for ways to transform with them!

The planet is transforming. Transform together with him!

You need to reinvent yourself! Start over if need be! Let go of old ideas. It is necessary to let go! And above all, we need to know how to manage our emotional state! Understand that this is a time of many changes, and that does not depend on our will. We will need to go along with them, because we cannot control life. However, we have control over us. Everyone will have to reinvent themselves and change some aspect of their lives! Can't believe that everything will continue as before!

Emotions are important. We must feel them, but not let ourselves be dominated by them! It's important to use them to our advantage!

Use the crisis to your advantage!
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

So use your fear, your insecurity, your angerโ€ฆ to build your world! A better world for you and for those around you!

Find exits! Lost your job? Discover another way to guarantee your livelihood! Look for alternatives! Think, create, reinvent yourself! start over! Who knows, this is the beginning of a great discovery, a great creation! Did you know that great talents, creations and discoveries were made in moments of crisis and difficulties? Not necessarily crises of nations, but a crisis that someone in particular was going through. Just read the biographies.

Use the crisis to your advantage!

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