Unveiling the soul of your company

    Many of you must have already participated, or at least you must have heard about or read about the family constellations, a therapeutic technique that works with problems and difficulties from a Systemic point of view; who, in the case of symptoms in personal life, seek answers in the Family System from a broader and more comprehensive view of the issue.

    When Bert Hellinger began his study and developed his method, he was accompanied by many therapists, consultants and administrators from various areas who later began to use the Constellation technique in other areas such as: medical, educational and business, and it is about the Constellation applied to the diagnosis of problems of large companies that I will address in this article.

    The Company, like the family, is a System that also obeys certain rules and that has a Soul, that is, a greater objective that is determined by the intention of its creators or founders. As the company organizes itself, positions, functions and a hierarchy are built, all of this is carried out within a time that guarantees greater or lesser right to act in the system.

    Na Family Constellation the elders, or those who came before (grandparents – parents) have preference in the System, in companies the founders, their ideas and trajectories need to be revered and respected by the heirs, who are younger in the System. This view is also correct when thinking about older employees, who arrived earlier at the company, and those who arrived later are expected to learn from them, and respect more experienced colleagues.

    Exclusion is a very strong event in Family Constellations because for the System “everyone has the right to pertinence”, the expulsion of a member will make the descendants pay a price in order to include the removed member. In companies it is no different, research has shown that employees fired without just cause end up leaving a void or a blemish in the function they occupied, and in the future those who occupy that position may have great discomfort to get along because somehow the System will seek make up for the injustice so that it can be redressed in some way.

    A very interesting way to use the technique for companies is to use it for a diagnosis in relation to any difficulty presented, as it is possible that the owner of the company chooses people to represent the problem in a comprehensive way, for example: 01 representative for the company , 01 representative for the owners or directors, 01 representative for the management, 01 representative for employees, 01 representative for suppliers or partners, 01 representative for customers, and from the reaction of each one of them it will be possible to identify how the relationships within this System.

    Unveiling the soul of your company

    It is very opportune to carry out the process without the representatives knowing who they are representing so as not to be influenced by the role of each one, in this way the administrators will be able to assure themselves and even test, within the technique itself, possibilities of changes that are favorable to the whole.

    Constellation can also be used to test new products, discover the best name for a product line, observe how the customer sees the product or the company itself, and it is very efficient to bring a great breadth of perception in conflict resolution, reorganization and future projects.

    Many companies have already benefited from this technique by bringing information that would go unnoticed and could cause great inconvenience. THE Business Constellation brings to light that which is hidden and which is known only by the Alm of the Organization, which in fact can be defined as “The Spirit present in that system” that has a greater intention, associated with the common good both at the internal level and in its social action, in resonance with its great mission which is to offer something positive and good for the world.

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