Unlock your subconscious and activate your potential

French psychiatrist Pierre Janet was the first to speak of the subconscious. It occupies approximately 80% of the mind and is the area where emotions are stored. He also carries out orders conveyed by thoughts. For Janet, neurosis could be explained by the content of the subconscious. Freud even mentioned the term, however he preferred to change it to unconscious.

According to experts, the subconscious is active 24 hours a day. To work properly, it must be clean. Otherwise, a kind of fog forms that prevents the vision of reality. With blurry vision, we couldn't do our best and stayed halfway. Know that it is possible to cleanse, unlock the subconscious and activate its potential. Check out our tips:

Unlock your subconscious and activate your potential
daniilphotos / Getty Images / Canva

How to activate the subconscious?

The schedule must be done before going to sleep and lasts five minutes. During sleep, the conscious mind lets the subconscious act freely. The subconscious will find ways to fulfill the desire. Here's how simple it is to unlock the subconscious:

  • Take a sheet and write what you want to improve or eliminate;
  • Concentrate, project your mind to the future and see your desire fulfilled;
  • Tear up the paper, forget what you thought and sleep.
  • Dreams, fear and the power of our thoughts
  • 10 steps to taking control of your subconscious
  • Use the power of your mind to change your life!
  • Reprogram your subconscious to relieve anxiety
  • 7 ways to develop your potential

The technique is simple, but it activates the subconscious deeply. Practice this schedule daily and feel the difference.

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