universal love

It's purity, it's looking, it's feeling, it's rejoicing. It's helping yourself, it's integrating, it's finding yourself. It's letting go and letting go. It's without exchange, it's without intention, it's just loving... It's looking inside, it's wanting to contribute and seeing it improve. What's the point of keeping it if I can and I have love to give? What's the point of waiting if I can and must share?

universal love

If I stop to think, I stop feeling and connecting. If I stop to look, I stop admiring and donating. If I stop to talk, I get lost when explaining and what was fluid loses direction, loses the turn. If I have the chance to emanate, I will vibrate! If the Universe expands as I unfold, I will be there every day! Like every process of the natural law of life, I too can be born, grow, evolve, mature, die and then be reborn! Everything is in motion, there is no time to question.

universal love

Let's move on. Ahead and soon I'll find you... It's not easy to be born with purity and contaminate myself throughout life... They are disappointments, regrets and betrayals that I had to experience. My essence screams in pain, because letting myself go is worse than reinventing myself. The Love that sows all dimensions, for being pure and unique, does not only fit in us, but in all universal beings.

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Freedom and love. To be happy, you have to let the voice of yours, mine, our heart flow. Leave smiles in the air, let the soul intertwine, let the eyes guide us. Only then can life dance to the sound of the perfect beat, which plays the music of the soul, the one that transcends entirely. With respect and adoration, inside me everything begins to dance, without losing or out of tune, the sound that emits what it is to love!

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