Unfathomable mysteries of feeling

In the most naked and pure of my experiences
something has projected itself beyond the limits of knowledge:
when it proves necessary to touch another being,

I silence the rational and make room for the heart.

Soon I hear your voice speaking of what is full in the chest,

and not just what the brain dictates,

saying the things that are not said,

hearing everything that words I don't hear,

attentive to what springs from the greater consciousness.

Unfathomable mysteries of feeling
Giulia Bertelli / Unsplash

In the curves of the letters the phenomenon is repeated:

the words run on paper while the feeling

is that goes ahead of my thinking,

right from the core of being to the exit door!

And it's in that magical moment that I feel my fingers at service

from the same heart that asks for space.

Unfathomable mysteries of feeling
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

And behold, a magical result happens

when I find myself learning with what comes out of my lips,

and with what is revealed to me by my fingertips

as if they and i were different things

and I had nothing more to do than serve as their interpreter.

Lips and hands act as mere instruments

Rushing to serve his overlord,

Nothing but a stream sprouting from that physical nook

that delves into the unfathomable mysteries of the spirit

With your only command at heart.

Unfathomable mysteries of feeling
Jakob Owens/Unsplash

The heart is the guide and I just let myself be guided.

He embodying the master and I his apprentice.

The heart in the chair of the highest knowledge,

I reveled in the intoxicating pleasure of feeling fed.

Consciousness in liquid form that runs through my veins

Moving through the whole body towards the mind,

who then gives him shelter, solicitous and grateful,

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as one who welcomes the eagerly awaited guest

to enjoy its ecstatic presence.

A guest who doesn't just cling to what he knows,

but, even more intoxicatingly,

what you know you'll never know!

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