undoing magic

Magical work is one of the most serious causes of creating very harmful karma and really heavy on the soul of the person who performs it. Mages of the past who have been involved with black magic in other lives today go through very great and painful trials and atonements due to having ventured into reprehensible practices, either to harm someone gratuitously, or to profit from their demands.

The fact is that even today many people have not learned that magic is a serious thing and there are many witches and wizards, sorcerers and sorceresses who still do not understand the importance of analyzing the harm they may be causing to their own souls when they enter the universe of black magic to harm somebody.

In fact, especially with the rise of the "Harry Potter" saga, in addition to other movies and series about magic and spells, it became fashionable to be a witch or wizard, encouraging even children, teenagers, young people and adults to practice magic considered "innocent", but whose effects can be much more harmful to life itself, and can disrupt the evolutionary journey of those who perform these practices in the world.

Some people are still totally unaware of the harmful effects of their innocent sympathies to earn money, to get a husband, to make the neighbor move, to win a boyfriend, to get revenge on someone, and other shady purposes that are not even worth mentioning.

Depending on the complexity of the spell, undoing it may involve greater knowledge of how to neutralize its effects and completely dissipate them, in addition to often being necessary to carry out the forwarding of astral entities and artifacts that may be associated with the magic ritual.

undoing magic
Gabby K / Pexels

Without the proper knowledge of how to act safely in such a delicate and dangerous field, the spellbreaker who does not have the proper knowledge of how to proceed can be impregnated with the energies of the magic with which he came in contact.

The most "common" harmful spells were created to fulfill selfish and petty desires of people still lost in their own obsession, due to the lack of maturity and mental and emotional mastery, in addition to the absence of solid spiritual and moral bases and precepts.

Here are some of the more common black magic:

Binding magic (for β€œlove”)

Separation magic (for β€œlove”)

Destruction magic (for homes, relationships, career, and even health, among other truly wicked purposes)

jinx magic

Vows and pacts with astral entities for the granting of favors (the magician, witch or sorcerer is often mistaken and believes that there will be no karmic penalty for this type of grant, not even the creation and strengthening of a karmic bond with the evoked entity)

Among others of the most diverse

Undoing these magical energies and programming involves time, knowledge about the energetic part and a great deal of spiritual support. Some undoes are simpler and faster and others are more complex and time-consuming.

There are cases in which the person responsible for black magic is so obsessed with his objective that he acts on a recurring basis in the elaboration of the most diverse works for people with whom he has some resentment or resentment. However, in addition to harming its victim, it energetically deteriorates its own spiritual condition, intertwining its own soul with the astral forces involved, getting stuck to the very hook that it used to try to hook the fish, harming its own development and spiritual evolution.

undoing magic
Tobi / Pexels

Anyone who wants to follow a really safe evolutionary path does not employ efforts and energies to harm anyone, but rather does good to reap good and respects the individuality and free will of others.

So be very careful. Think many times before venturing into spells, sympathies and other types of energy manipulation. Otherwise, you will need help from people who know how to undo such energies and rituals.

Some options to get rid of this kind of harmful effects are:

In some simpler cases, a good bath of coarse salt and herbs can solve the problem.

(See how in my article for Me Without Borders: The Power of Herb Bath).

In others, a well-conducted meditation with decrees, such as Archangel Michael's 21-day cleansing, can be strong enough to free yourself from a little more intense cases, from this and other lives, and from more serious ones.

In other cases, much more delicate, complex and dangerous, it may be necessary to have a specific treatment of breaking magic offered by spiritual groups and spiritual centers or even by specialized healers.

I, Fernando Vidya, work, for example, with the undoing of various harmful astral energies through cleaning and energetic harmonization with the MRA (Apometric Radionic Table), a tool that I channeled and about which I talk about in one of my articles for the Eu Sem Fronteiras, to meet the most diverse energy and spiritual needs of our new cycle (Age of Aquarius), capable of acting strongly in the astral and solving from the simplest and most common issues as well as acting immersing in the deepest aspect of the past of other lives and the unconscious.

There are, however, much more complex cases, involving recidivism and complex obsession, in which it is necessary for the victim not only to ally himself with an egregore of strong protection from a spiritual group, but also for him to be instructed, through study and preparation, so that you learn how to keep your vibration high and how to keep yourself energetically and spiritually protected.

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Each case is different. Some are simpler to resolve, especially if they are related to the past of other lives. I say this because, by solving at the root of the past, we inhibit the chances of recidivism. In others, especially when it comes to current life, the oppressor may relapse into the act and new undoings and protections may be necessary. There are cases, for example, in which victims spend a good part of their lives undoing spells from incarnated human beings or even from obsessive disembodied entities (larger astral groups).

In all cases, however, faith, trust and prayer are fundamental attitudes, always welcome and recommended. No one came into this life to suffer. If we suffer, some learning in pain is being demanded of us by ourselves, by our Higher Self.

When we learn what we need to learn, we stop much of the suffering, as we start to make better choices to follow our evolutionary journey in peace.

That's why self-knowledge is essential. Delve into yourself. Know yourself!


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