Understanding Accelerated Thought Syndrome

Understanding Accelerated Thought Syndrome
When we see difficulties in relaxing our mind and calming our thoughts, in the search for new stimuli, needing more information to satisfy this desire, this may not only be a case of an anxious or hyperactive person, but of the syndrome called Accelerated Thinking.

The bombardment of this information somehow overloads the cerebral cortex, producing a hyperactive, tense, agitated mind, with very high levels of intolerance, impatience and lack of creativity.

This condition is directly linked to the breakneck pace of large cities, where daily overdoses of information and obligations affect people's emotional health. Depression, stress, panic syndrome and nomophobia (fear of being without a cell phone) are some of the examples of event situations that have become frequent for at least the last 20 years.

We who work with mental and emotional aspects can say that it is not a disease, but symptomatology linked to anxiety disorder. The people most affected by the syndrome are those who are constantly evaluated due to their professional obligations and need to be attentive to the execution of their work, otherwise they will be compromised. Some professions stand out in this syndrome, such as executives, journalists, writers, publicists, teachers and health professionals.

The main causes of Accelerated Thinking, in addition to anxiety due to professional pressure, it is the large amount of information to which we are subjected during the day, a condition considered normal nowadays.


Commonly, those who have the accelerated thought syndrome have the feeling of being overwhelmed by routine, with that impression that 24 hours are not enough to accomplish everything that is necessary for the day. Also present are the existence of a persistent feeling of apprehension, lack of memory, attention deficit, irritability, altered sleep and mood swings.

Mental exhaustion is characterized by not slowing down your thinking, turning into physical fatigue. Since the cerebral cortex, the most evolved layer of the brain, steals energy that should be channeled to other areas of the body.

One of the main components for the increase in cases of accelerated thinking syndrome and for the worsening in the situation are technological innovations.

Firstly, the great difficulty in keeping up with modern technologies, the speed with which they emerge and their mastery, in addition to the popularization of television where children have less attention at school and educators have more difficulty influencing their psychic universe.

Computers and video games and, in this context, also social networks are a world that offers an excess of stimuli and information. Today, individuals spend whole nights, mainly on Facebook, receiving an absurd amount of texts and images that pass through our brain at an extraordinary speed. And currently being a user of a social network contributes to anxiety, it ends up creating an addiction to consult them all the time, to check what happens and if there are new messages.

In view of this situation, the help of a professional who can collaborate with the treatment becomes relevant, using tools compatible with the condition and its symptoms to help patients to definitively overcome it before the syndrome worsens.

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