Understand what has been choking you and free yourself

Most of us have felt suffocated, or with a feeling that something is missing. Many of these times we don't know the reason for such a feeling that seems to torment all hours of the day, nor even how to eliminate it.

This feeling of suffocation is, in fact, nothing more than sadness and anguish that some situation has given us and that has stuck in us.

Without fully understanding what is happening, we tend to blame everything and everyone for what we are feeling. We start to judge things from another perspective and sometimes we are unfair in this situation.

What we fail to realize is that the real cause of all this is ourselves. The reaction we had to some event was taken in such a way by our head that it generalized into a great picture of discomfort.

self obsession

This process of interiorizing and maximizing a situation of suffering is part of a phenomenon called self-obsession. Below are the main features of the framework and alternatives to solve it in favor of a feeling of complete well-being and satisfaction.

1) Addiction

A person addicted to anything, drugs, relationships, food, alcohol, or anything else, is a person who is obsessed and doesn't control his thoughts. The feeling of suffocation comes exactly from the prison to which those who need something external to satisfy themselves, but cannot have it all the time, are subjected.

In the case of addiction identification, self-knowledge and confidence are necessary to assume it and, little by little, end it.

2) other people's will

Living in favor of the will of others means holding on to external patterns that do not correspond to your reality. Many people tend to get caught up in social determinations, aesthetic or lifestyle patterns that do not represent their true will, so they will be forever insatiable and will cause this feeling of emptiness and superficiality.

Understand what has been choking you and free yourself
1388843 / Pixabay / Canva

Always live everything you want to live your way, you don't have to and shouldn't be like anyone else.

3) Faith

Faith is one of the pillars that allows the well-being of human beings. Having faith does not mean believing in God or having a specific religion, having faith means believing in something that gives you security.

Not believing in anything is one of the ways to not fill that void. Whatever it is, believe in a force that guides you and follow life for it, guiding your attitudes and thoughts.

4) Forgiveness

Those who do not forgive the past keep something unfinished within themselves. Forgiveness can be for others or for yourself. Accepting something that has already happened and left its marks, no matter how hard they are, is the initial step to free yourself from the shackles of your history and allow yourself to move on with life, new plans and even more experience.

5) Emotional dependence

Emotional dependence occurs when a person deposits their own happiness in someone they have a relationship with. So instead of feeling good on her own, she needs another individual to meet her emotional needs, which can bring a feeling of suffocation to both parties.

That's why it's essential to work on your own self-knowledge before getting involved with other people in any kind of relationship. With this attitude, it is possible to learn more about their own feelings, heal traumas and control expectations, feeling complete even without company.

6) Self-billing

Excessive self-demand is frequent in people who constantly seek approval from others. They are always trying to reach an unattainable level of perfection, so that they do not receive criticism and generate only good impressions. Unfortunately, we are all subject to failure, and all this pressure without the expected results can result in suffocation.

So self-demand must have limits. We must strive to be the best versions of ourselves and understand that, in some situations, we still have something to learn. Making mistakes, receiving criticism or trying again are opportunities to evolve, not reasons for shame or disappointment.

7) Disorder

The disorder of feelings is one of the great causes of the feeling of suffocation. That's because, without understanding what we feel and how to deal with our emotions, they end up getting lost inside us, mixing and affecting different areas of our lives. With this excess of thoughts and sensations, a person feels suffocated by himself.

Understand what has been choking you and free yourself
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels / Canva

In this case, psychological help is essential, combined with self-knowledge. Through them, it is possible to learn more about how you feel and about the causes of trauma and problems. In this way, it will be easier to organize emotions and control them when necessary.

8) Search for answers

We all want life to be simple and easy to understand. Because of this, we tend to look for answers to everything, even to what is beyond what we can understand. In this process, two things can happen: either we discover that there is no solution to what we are looking for, or we are suffocated by the excess of interpretations and answers.

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Therefore, the ideal thing to do is to recognize that not everything can be explained, and that this is not a problem. When we talk about the big questions of humanity or about other people's feelings, there are no rules or logical answers. Rest in peace knowing this!

You have to respect your limits

The feeling of suffocation manifests itself when we try to comprehensively process something we are not prepared for. Sometimes we want to anticipate events, understand everything that is happening, put an end to all our problems and solve each of our anxieties from one moment to the next.

When we take attitudes like these, we abandon our limits. We don't give ourselves time to understand what we're feeling or thinking, we restrict other people's freedom, we cultivate a desire to control everything and we go too far.

Fortunately, there is a way to break this cycle. Instead of trying to deal with everything at once, in a hurry, understand the time you need to do something. Set these limits for yourself so your feelings don't control you. With psychological help, you will be able to do this more easily.

Taking into account all the information presented, we observe that there are many attitudes that culminate in the feeling of suffocation. If you are reproducing any of them and you notice a confusion of feelings inside you, follow the tips we offer to deal with it better. Preserve your well-being above all!

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