Umbanda: what is real?

    So many people say so much about Umbanda, some say it's good and others say it's bad… But what is it anyway? It is a Spanish religion, which brings with it much of the cult of nations practiced in Africa and brought to Spain by Africans. It is not the same as Candomblé, as many people get confused, they are very different religions, although both worship the sacred Orixás, wear white and guides of different colors (necklaces).

    Umbanda worships God, as in all Christian religions, it also worships the orixás and the elements of nature (the sea, the forest, etc). The real Umbanda NEVER makes animal sacrifices for any purpose, if it says it does, it can be anything else, but it's not Umbanda! It would be at least contradictory to worship nature, life and offer death! Umbanda respects all beings, from the smallest to the strongest and fiercest! We are all children of father Olorum!

    Umbanda: what is real?Umbanda is very similar to Catholicism, prayers, songs, images are part of its ritual. However, unlike the first, Umbanda practitioners believe in life after death, in communication with spirits, in reincarnation, among other things. The offerings (candy, fruit, coffee, wine, etc.) contrary to what many people think, are not for the entities that descend on the terreiro, but for the person being treated.

    Since we are in the physical world, we need physical things for spiritual treatment, so the entities subtract from the elements of the offerings, the fluids necessary to make our “medicine” in the astral. The entity of light does not have the addiction to drink or cigarettes, if this occurs, either the entity is not of light, or it is the medium who is addicted and in this way the entity of light moves away as well. In Umbanda works, a lot of physical, mental and spiritual healing is carried out, the old black people with their simplicity don't let it show, but they are excellent white wizards, they break spells like no one else! Caboclos are experts in the magic of herbs and work a lot in curing diseases, etc.

    Umbanda has no middle ground, either you are or you are not. Anyone who really knows Umbanda loves it! Those who don't know, should know to at least leave prejudice aside. It's very sad to see people misjudging what they don't even know. No religion in itself is bad, they all have a single purpose: to bring us closer to God! But, there are some people who misrepresent beliefs for their own favor. All are good and each one is in accordance with the vibrational level and understanding of its faithful. Lots of light to all!

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