Types of Negative People You Should Avoid

We are often bothered by something that we don't really know what it is, we always look for some defect in ourselves, we look for flaws in our behavior, among other mistakes.

What we don't usually notice is that this nuisance can be coming from the outside and hitting us from the inside. We are constantly influenced by what surrounds us, so if the environment is negative, we will be too and vice versa.

Types of Negative People You Should AvoidIn these moments it is important to have self-knowledge to be able to behave differently. If the place where you are is heavy and there is no other way out, act against it. Seek to energize yourself positively to feel better.

However, it's not easy to maintain your behavior in a positive way when everything around you seems to be down. For this, it is also necessary to identify what is around and seems to spoil everything in order to avoid such.


Each one is each and behaves in the way they think is most appropriate. Even so, we know that we live in a group and some attitudes must be common in favor of a life in a healthy society and with reduced conflicts.

Regardless of this general knowledge, some people insist on making living together more difficult. We all have problems, stresses, tasks, schedules and demands and we could throw it all away and take out all our anger or dissatisfaction on others, but as conscious beings we limit the "suffering" to ourselves.

Types of Negative People You Should AvoidSome people find it difficult to contain such feelings and end up, realizing it or not, taking it out on the one around them. In some situations this can be normal, it is natural to extrapolate in the face of so many pressures, but it is not acceptable that this always happens, after all, no one is to blame for our inner crises.

Behaviors we should avoid

For your own good, it's important to identify these types of companies and try to help them change. If the situation is insistent, the alternative is to walk away knowing that her attitude is also harming you.

Identify and do not stay close to feelings and/or attitudes such as:

– Lies:

People who often lie make it a habit and then it becomes difficult to trust someone like that. Don't let liars get you to tell their secrets or even make you trust their stories. When it comes to lies, they are usually a mask of something wrong or a bad intention about what this person can take away from you.

– Arrogance:

Arrogance is an exaggerated self-confidence, capable of making the individual attribute a lot of power and feel better than others. It doesn't look good and it doesn't feel good to be around people like that. These people tend to value themselves by making others less, placing them as inferior without thinking about the consequences. Leave it far away from you and value yourself with conscience.

- Envy:

It's normal for all of us to feel a little jealous, but the feeling in excess is just as bad for the one who feels it as for the one who is envied. The envious start to become selfish and even desire evil. Beware of turning away from people like these and never becoming such.

– “Victimism”:

There are people who always put themselves as the victim of history. In order to get rid of some guilt, they try to hold someone responsible for a certain fact, always pretending to be affected. This is weak and harmful behavior for the person and those around him.

- Control:

Some people behave in an extremely controlling way, always thinking about their benefit. Don't let someone take charge of every situation and prevent you from expressing your opinion and imposing yourself in situations of need.

– Greed:

Ambition, the will to win are good attitudes and very good when you have a goal and a path to follow. The big problem is when such a feeling extrapolates and becomes greed. The greedy stop measuring the means to reach the ends and decide to go over everything and everyone just for their own good.

– Negativism:

The environments in which we live are full of good and bad energies generated by people and other factors that make up the situation. The presence of extremely angry or pessimistic people brings negative energy, which is very easy to “contagion”. In this situation try to move away or block your body and mind from the entrance of such a bad flow.

- Gossip:

Total sign of insecurity, gossip is always made by people who want to generate some confusion, “to make the circus catch on fire”. Don't involve your life with this kind of behavior. The consequences are lies and poorly told stories that cause confusion and misunderstandings.

Text written by JĂşlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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