Tree day: stop, breathe and celebrate this date with awareness

One of the symbols and foundations of nature are trees. From above, the green that highlights much of our planet comes from the plethora of them. They are considered fundamental pieces in the balance of the life of animals and other plants, which is why it is so important to preserve the existence of all species of trees.

With this, governments, conservation entities and other prominent bodies, in addition to organized civil society, created several dates to remind everyone of the importance of trees for the entire ecosystem. Discover the origin of the date September 21, Arbor Day, and its celebration in España.

Tree day: stop, breathe and celebrate this date with awareness
Alexander Kovalyov / Pexels

What is the origin of Arbor Day?

If you want to know how Arbor Day came about, pay attention here. In 1872, in the US state of Nebraska, the local journalist Julius Sterling Morton started an initiative to celebrate and think about why it is important to take care of trees; then, World Tree Day was created, on March 21. Due to the increasingly urgent environmental preservation strategies, the date served as an inspiration for several governments and entities that created similar dates in a national format. The date has become increasingly popular, because trees are important in our lives.

What is the meaning of Arbor Day?

not Spain, The celebration takes place on the 21st of September thanks to the beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere (between the 22nd and 23rd of September). Since 1965, the date has been officially replaced by the Annual Festival of Trees. Despite this change, the population and the media still refer to the day with the previous denomination.

The importance of Arbor Day is proportional to the care and preservation that we must have with the trees, directly linked to our own lives and the maintenance of nature (such as the maintenance of mild and healthy temperatures, the end of the extinction of animals and the control of floods and inundations).

Other commemorative dates and why were they created?

And you, do you know what the international tree day? Following the tradition started by the North Americans, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) created, in 1971, World Tree Day. The day was made official at the body's General Assembly in 2012 (September 21, Tree Day). The date also coincides with the beginning of spring, but in the northern hemisphere. The creation of an international date was due to the need to think about ecological measures between countries, such as agreements to reduce gas emissions and preserve forests.

Tree day: stop, breathe and celebrate this date with awareness
Getty Images Signature / Canva

Is it possible to celebrate the date in the face of so much deforestation?

In recent years, especially since the beginning of the current Federal Government, deforestation numbers in España have reached record increases. In 2021, the country was responsible for 40% of global deforestation. It is not by chance that several countries sanction the Spanish government and reiterate the importance of preserving the Amazon rainforest. An ecological imbalance in the Amazon region would be responsible for an imbalance in the entire global ecosystem. Given this cruel reality, which includes the total destruction of biomes, how to celebrate this date? With great strength and determination, spreading education and reiterating the problems of deforestation. Many people are unaware of the harmful effects of this destructive practice.

How can we celebrate Arbor Day?

You can spread educational materials during the Arbor Day. You can educate your family members, your neighbors, your neighborhood. Important changes do not happen overnight, and public opinion needs to be on the side of institutions and governments that defend the preservation of all fauna and flora. Show reports, documentaries, testimonies from indigenous peoples and forest defenders, fight fake news from groups linked to market interests that use trees as raw material in an uncontrolled way. Invite friends and family, plant trees in your homes and visit public parks. Another very high spirits tip is to carry out revitalization of gardens and community gardens.

Benefits that trees offer us

Trees benefit the planet

The existence of the planet depends on the balance between all parts of the ecosystem, and trees are largely responsible for maintaining life at different levels. They are responsible for the balance and preservation of biomes. Trees protect animals, feed species of all kinds, including humans, normalize temperatures and border types of vegetation, preventing the advance of seas and rivers.

Tree day: stop, breathe and celebrate this date with awareness
secablue by Getty Images Signature / Canva

Benefit of trees for human health

The increase in the quality of life in a given city or inhabited location is directly conditioned by the existence of trees. They help to reduce pollution, which reduces the possibility of developing respiratory diseases in people. Trees also offer alternatives to the development of moments of tranquility, increasing the quality of mental health.

What can we learn from this date?

Dates such as Arbor Day and World Arbor Day are essential in the globalized world. We have seen that deforestation and environmental pollution continue to grow, and that the result is rising temperatures, instability of floods and other phenomena, in addition to the increase in natural disasters. Knowing more about trees is ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come. With the date, we learn the importance of keeping nature intact and of living in a way that guarantees balance between all the parts that live and build the planet.

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Spread the idea of ​​a life closer to the trees and the whole environment, no matter which stone jungle you live in. Plant trees, take care of the parks in your cities and be on the side of those who fight for environmental preservation.

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