Transpersonal Therapy: the path of integral healing

    Transpersonal Therapy: the path of integral healing
    Thoughts and feelings, conditionings and beliefs, which we carry as baggage from this and other lives, reflect our current state of health or imbalance. The spirit imposes its condition and limitations on the body and mind.

    A Integrative Transpersonal Therapy aims to treat the holistic being, including the energetic and spiritual dimensions. Transcending the barriers of the ego, expanding the usual consciousness and exploring the sixth sense that connects us to the subtle spheres, activating our ability to self-heal.

    We are spirits acting in dense matter, surrounded by layers of energy in different degrees of density that interpenetrate and are responsible for maintaining the harmonious flow of life. Therefore, physical illnesses and psychological disorders reflect the imbalances of the soul, which is the union of the spirit and the body.

    Attached to the deep roots of past experiences, the spirit crystallizes its hurts, resentments, problematic relationships, worries, fears that affect it and turn into diseases. Depression, anxiety, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, OCD, schizophrenia and so many other psychopathological labels.

    Unlike conventional psychology which is restricted to the adequacy of the ego, which is our superficial and fragmented identity; the transpersonal approach also deals with the spirit, the primary cause in the formation of the being and its health. No religious or scientific limits.

    The sessions are carried out through Taoist, Buddhist and Ayurveda oriental psychotherapeutic techniques. Bioenergetics, oracular guidance and mediumistic channeling. Practices of expansion of consciousness, reconnection with the spiritual essence and with the telluric forces. A journey of self-knowledge and awakening of consciousness.

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