Transform your life in 21 Days – Day 3 to 6

Facing challenges to stay focused

When we accept any change in our life, we know that in the middle of the way we will come across situations that will put our conviction of the decision we made and willpower in check. And that's exactly when we need to activate the mode FOCUS.

But knowing this is far from experiencing these moments, and then let's be honest, the bug catches! O #cross21 challenge from Cross Life Nutrition SBC did you the favor of starting on Thursday, that is, one step away from the weekend. And anyone who has done any type of food reeducation or diet knows that normally on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays we are more prone to the famous jackfruit.

Well, anxious as I am, I confess that I was already suffering with all the possibilities that haunted my thoughts. My desire was to lock myself at home, preferably in my room and only go out on Monday straight to training. But I took a deep breath, meditated and came up with a perfect plan lol… Choose just one of the 3 days for alcohol consumption (remembering that one of my goals is exactly to reduce my alcohol intake), not to skip Saturday's training, not to consume any sweet, be as cool as possible at Mother's Day lunch and do some light physical activity on Sunday.


Transform your life in 21 Days – Day 3 to 6

Want to know the result? Successfully concluded! On Friday I had only wine, at lunch with the family I ate the full option of the dish in question, I went to the gym on Saturday and on Sunday I chose to walk around the neighborhood with Dudu. What I found craziest about it all is that it wasn't sacrificing. And my analysis of the tranquility of going through the weekend unscathed results in the feeding of the focus and in the planning of small goals. You know that thing about living one day at a time? So, I focused my energy exclusively on putting into practice everything I planned for these 3 days and it worked.

Already Monday… Monday is Monday isn't it!? World Beginnings Day, 100% motivation lol.  

 My shadow side came out and I got depressed, I was sad, tired, full of worries, anguish and then guess what…

We all have an escape valve for those moments when the heart tightens too much, and although most of the time it's not healthy at all, we resort to them almost automatically. Mine, as you can already see, is the food! Was always! Sadness hits, food, anger explodes, food, lack ravages gives-read more food! And the force that this involuntary action has on us is absurd. Yesterday I can say that it was a very painful day, but even though I wanted to eat even the plaster on the wall, I bravely resisted!

And how did I get it? focus, focus, focus… I kept reminding myself why, all the other times I started and stopped: “Ahhh, just a sweetie!”, and when I saw it, I had already given up on everything! Here it would even fit a reflection on how we use food to cherish our emotions, but that is a subject for another text.

Therefore, my message today about the optics of these last few days is, keep your focus, repeat to yourself the reasons that led you to take on such changes in your life and don't give up! You will feel much better!

And even after a really hard day, keeping myself in focus it was a reason for happiness! Thank God everything is changeable and life goes on.


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