Training leads to success

Want to shine a lot in life? Spend 10 hours practicing. At least, that's what the great experts in all fields did.

Genes do not determine success. This is good, because it means that all you need to do is make an effort to improve your performance. And that's bad too, because you just rely on your sweat to get there. Sweat, in this case, is 10 thousand hours. Understand the size of the challenge:

– 1h of dedication a day, you will need 27 years of effort;

– 3h of dedication a day, you will need 10 years of effort;

– 8 hours of dedication a day, you will need 3,5 years of effort.

Which of the options can and should you choose? Whichever suits you best! The choice is yours!

That's not news. everyone knows that the practice makes perfect. The novelty is that, for the first time, scientists were able to measure the time required to study for someone to excel in some area: our already known 10 hours! It was to this number that the success expert Anders Ericsson arrived after observing the great talents of the most diverse areas. Everyone who stands out for his success, he concluded, from chess champion Kasparov to Steve Jobs, has been honing their craft all this time. And we're not talking about light exercise. What really makes someone get really good at something is hard, painful training on the edge of the executable. At the end of the day, it's such a challenging workout that it changes your brain, and talent is replaced by dedication.

Training leads to success

This is why some people give up immediate pleasure in exchange for hard work, and why others always prefer to leave the office early. The mental process is actually very simple: in order to have self-control, you have to stop thinking about temptation and focus on what is really important at the moment, for example, finishing a job or a task.

Motivation is an essential factor for all this dedication, but it is not only responsible for your achievements or defeats. We can observe one of the best rules of Success in recent times:

Motivation + Training + Self-Control + Luck = Success.

If a person is unhappy in his accomplishments, he has to find out what is definitely holding him back, otherwise success doesn't come at all.

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