today is the best day

I have noticed and heard many people comment on how fast time is passing. I personally have the same feeling, for me time not only runs but also flies.

today is the best day

Today it seems that it is not even perceived or lived in its entirety. As the Spanish poet and writer Mario Quintana said very well in his poem “O Tempo”:

“When you see it, it's already six o'clock!
When you see it, it's already Friday!
When you see it, it's already Christmas...
When you see it, the year is already over...
When you see it, we have lost the love of our life.
When you see it, 50 years have passed!
Now it's too late to fail...
If I were given one day, another chance, I wouldn't even look at the clock..."

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Yes, life is passing and slipping through my fingers, leaving a feeling that I could do something more, with more care, with more attention, more calmly. It seems that we are in a subway terminal, in an interminable line and we are all in a hurry, we want to get on the car and we are elbowing each other, so that we can finally enter and continue our journey. Where? I don't know…

Anxiety has never been so close, it has become an old acquaintance and when it visits us it is almost always accompanied by anguish and insomnia. We have to run to work, finish that report, hit the targets, pay the bills, take care of the house, take the kids to school, don't miss the bus, the plane, don't forget to breathe, we need to have that outfit, have that car or that cell phone that takes wonderful pictures. We live in the hope of a better future, but we forget that it is today that determines the future. Today is the best day, because it's the day I'm living, because tomorrow I don't even know if I'll be here. It's today that I decide if I want to be happy with life, if I'm going to reconcile with that person who hurt me, if I want to get rid of some addiction that I know only hurts me, if I'm going to distance myself from that person who only delay me.

In this insane quest to have, we end up forgetting about being. Who am I in the midst of chaos? One more in the crowd, a survivor of the slavery of the hands of the clock, which tell me that my time is running out, and that soon I'll be just someone who's been around for a while and nothing more.

today is the best day
Pixabay/Henry Nicholson

Reflecting on this, I understood that yes, I need to fulfill certain schedules and run at certain times of my day, but I don't need to become a racing athlete. I need time for myself, to breathe, to calm down and to collect myself, even if it's for a few minutes. I have to find myself, hug myself and say that I'm a nice person, that I'm getting better every day (and that today is the best day). In these hours (or minutes) I disconnect from life outside, I forget about social networks, WhatsApp groups, the clock, and I give myself the chance to say that everything is fine, and that, yes, time is passing quickly, but that here inside me there is a space of comfort, acceptance and calm, where I can come back and stay as long as I want.

May your day be of reception, tranquility and inner peace (despite the rush).

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