To my sensitive dear ones – The power to abstract

    Abstract the petty pettiness. This could cost you a few days of mental struggle between the need to forget and the desire to repay any harm done to him, I know. But, abstract. It's more effective advice than the one about the Solar Filter.

    Abstract, because the negative offal are, today, the great evil of the century. And with access to so much information, different types of people and attitudes, at some point, certainly, something will affect some point of your fragility.

    If you have a need for affection, for example, you will inevitably be able to turn your attention to someone who was not exactly reciprocated in any message. If you have aspects of empathy, you will turn your attention to situations where you will suffer from the pain of others.

    If you have a need for clear attitudes, you can turn your focus to a hostile or evasive comment from a relative or friend. Not enough, if you have these and other traits ingrained in your personality, you're quite sensitive—which is a two-faced blessing, as heightened awareness can fluctuate between zest for life and psychic poisoning.

    Training your immunity against petty chaos, therefore, is more than a matter of social survival. — it's a question of sanity. And abstracting does not mean piling up at the bottom of some suitcase of sorrows each of the situations in which we feel injured or burdened.

    Retracting is not the best way, because it is precisely about creating accumulations, and any accumulation at some point flows, overflows. So, of course, dialogue is necessary. Speculating is also healthy for self-protection. We just don't have to speculate about everything.

    The power of abstraction, in fact, lies in the posture of separation and even acceptance, either from the other or from some fatalities - direct or indirect - around us. Abstracting means understanding and following. It means taking note that many attitudes that make us bitter say more about the other's own complexes than about ourselves.

    Deep down, most disagreements don't come from personal issues, but private ones. Abstraction, still, is the only way to be superior without needing the support of poor feelings, such as arrogance or arrogance. And not enough, it is through abstraction that time finds space to prepare surprises that are more valid when your focus of attention is on more productive things. That's how healings, repentance, forgiveness happen.

    To my sensitive dear ones – The power to abstract

    One of the first steps towards this change is knowing breathe. Become aware of your breath and use it for something more than just existing. In moments of tension in this world full of misconceptions, take a deep breath, close your eyes and release it slowly, without shame of sounding cliché. Mentalize the images that give you comfort and when you feel stable, try to remember that you don't have to die with the toxic substance of the other. Get involved in activities. Why do you think health and mental professionals are always hitting this key? Channel your energy into something that gives you pleasure and releases a minimally reasonable amount of oxytocins and endorphins — it's essential, yes. And not least, stick to the particularities of your routine without so many technological interventions. This will decrease the percentage of times you fall into virtual traps and discomforts, as well as directing you to your center and not the center of your timeline. From the other.

    The path is made up of daily falls and flights. There are no pills, just exercise, mental strength and the will to reinvent yourself. At the end of the day, though, I guarantee it: it will have been worth going over without stepping—but jumping over. It will have been extremely gratifying to have found your axis without the need to destabilize your environment. It will have been reinforcing, above all, be someone good.

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