To love even if you don't like it, what is it?

    Hello, dear ones of Eu without Borders.

    It is with joy that I write again for this site so important in the dissemination of texts that help in our evolution.

    Today I'm going to talk about a topic that we usually work on at the school where I trained as a psychoanalyst: β€œloving even if I don't like it”. At first glance, it is difficult to understand, but I will explain and you will realize how true it is and how it can change our way of perceiving life.

    As beings in evolution and still very egocentric, we always want things to happen the way we want. And when they don't, we suffer. We have extreme difficulties in accepting β€œno” and we think that the world revolves around us.

    We often attack, mistreat and humiliate simply because we think that we are the owners of reason and that it is the other who is wrong. Other times we suffer from unfulfilled desires.

    To love even if you don't like it, what is it?But, after all, what is love even if you don't like it? It's a form of evolution for us egocentrics, it's a less controlling way of living life and that little by little makes us better people.

    To love even if you don't like it is to assume that you are imperfect and frustrated, but that, in the same way that you don't like it, you love understanding that the other gives what he can give.

    As dual beings, all of us, on a 100% scale, have a virtuous and a non-virtuous level of consciousness. Our virtuous part produces empathic attitudes and our non-virtuous part produces egocentric attitudes. See the example below:

    (30%) Virtuous Conscience β†’ empathic attitudes

    (60%) Non-virtuous Conscience β†’ egocentric attitudes

    Therefore, all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, have a non-virtuous, egocentric conscience that aims to meet our needs for security and recognition. This is our part responsible for liking.

    Our virtuous part is responsible for loving without expecting anything in return, for donation, understanding, respect.

    In conclusion, although we don't like the unpleasant, we can love, trust, respect and believe that everything is right and that we will have some learning in the situation. An example for this situation is that we may not like the ugly face that the other made us, but we can love understanding that he is not well and may be in need of help deep down.

    Most of the time, we need to go through suffering to understand that it was better for us, for our evolution.

    Loving even if we don't like it, little by little we decrease our non-virtuous structure that makes us unhappy and, with time, slowly and gradually, we will potentiate love in us. Love that is true, for what is real and not illusory, love for us, for the other and for life.

    A tight hug to each of you and until next time.

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