To keep yourself in a state of grace

The State of Grace spreads over the Earth. There are not a few cases of people who go through the mystical experience of liberation of the mind and find themselves immersed in the silence of plenitude, of the here and now, of the encounter with Reality and the immersion in the Universal unity. Some call it Samadhi, others Satori, others Fana, as well as Kingdom of God, Nirvana, Holy Spirit, etc. There are countless names for this awakening of Consciousness. The sad note is that, in the vast majority of cases, these states are absolutely ephemeral and leave a feeling of frustration in those who return to mental prison.

Those who experience this state spend their lives trying to reproduce it, in an anxious search, without realizing that it is precisely this primary desire that is the biggest obstacle.

Why can a few enlightened people stay awake much longer? Why do others, much more rarely, have the power to enter and exit this state, as if they entered any room in a house?

The answer is simple: they gained greater control of the mind.

The human mind has a lot of strength due to the collection of unresolved things, which are still alive within the unconscious, creating constant demands and producing thoughts. It works with the contents of the unconscious, especially those that have a greater affective charge. eg, those who store our guilts, indignities, revolts, desires for revenge, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to seek self-knowledge, in the foreground, facing one's own shadow, to conquer the appropriate nuptial robes for the Great Wedding.

Once this shadow is integrated, through the loss of importance and meaning that we have always given to emotional contents, all the fuel used by the mind is significantly reduced; consequently, she will lose strength and it will be easier to stay awake longer. The ego feeds on experiences, as long as we give importance to experiences, we will be nourishing this false self, so the true existential condition should be that of witness and not actor.

In the parable of the ten virgins, found in the Gospel of Matthew, notice that only five of them were able to remain in the company of the bridegroom, the others, relapsed, who forgot the oil for their lamps, remained outside.

To keep yourself in a state of grace

The groom represents, precisely, Consciousness, the Self, Life, God, in short, represents this State of Grace. Virgins represent humanity, everyone has a lamp, however, those who dedicate themselves to facing themselves, taking power from the mind, are those who will remain, for much longer within this Reality, they will be the virgins who can come to the wedding party. Everyone, at some point, will experience Grace, however, those who do not have adequate conditions, represented by the oil forgotten by the foolish virgins, will not be able to remain outside the grids of the mind for long and will return to the life of the body. “Wherever the body is, there the vultures will gather”, that is precisely that, as long as we live identified with the body, magnetized with emotional contents, we will be dealing with the vultures of our inner world and even of the entire astral world.

Grace is being poured out, as in the prediction of the scriptures, “Where two are found sleeping in one room, one will be taken, the other will be left; where two are found working at the mill, one will be taken, the other will be left,” so on. against. These words portray what happens today, ecstatic raptures are more common than we can imagine, however, staying enlightened is something else.

Without the oil to keep our lamp burning, we will never enter the wedding feast that awaits us.

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