To forgive is to free us!

There is a lot of talk about forgiveness, forgiving, forgetting what they did wrong to us, giving a new opportunity to those who harmed us, trusting again in those who betrayed our trust, in short, there are so many circumstances of offense. But it's all about forgiveness!

If we are going to base ourselves on what our Elder Brother said and what is stated in the Gospel, we must always forgive, even because God always forgives us. But the Creator, although forgiving us, provides a new opportunity for us to remake our goals for a new life, thus allowing us to find who we hurt and rescue the evil done.

To forgive is to free us!

Yes, we have several lives ahead of us and certainly what we cannot repair in this one, we will have to do in the next one.

The importance of forgiveness is in freeing ourselves from the anguish of carrying all the bad energy that happened during life. Usually whoever offended us or caused us harm is not even evaluating it. He doesn't calculate the damage he's done to us or our family. So we keep mulling over the past, we're going to be stuck in time and we're going to become a bitter person.

The most fundamental of all this is that because the divine law is all justice, we will certainly meet again in another life so that we can make it possible for that person who harmed us in this one, to make the necessary repair. Now, if we achieve the mental elevation of forgiving and forgetting the evil that was done to us, or if at least when we remember we don't feel more painful, we will be detaching ourselves from our offender, and he will certainly have to pay for the evil he has done, but you will not need to meet with us again to redeem.

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A reunion with those who hit us will always be an obstacle in our trajectory, as the Greater Spirituality will have to set the time in the future for this reunion to take place, and furthermore, we do not know if, when we return to live with such a person, we will effectively walk in a climate of peace, because it could be that aversion arises and we would be putting away the opportunity to smooth the edges.

To forgive is to free us!

So, my friends, let us not run the risk of being the cause of a new encounter with those who have harmed us. Let us forgive, and in this way we release him from the commitment of the reunion. Let's make an effort to overcome what happened. Let life take care of our wrongdoer, because no one does evil without receiving the same energy back. It's there in the Book! "Who hurts with iron, iron will be hurt". It is the law of the Father's return!

We have the free will to make our future life, on whatever planet, better than the current one! So why complicate it?

Let's forgive, forget and be happier.

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