Tips to feel confident and beautiful!

Over the centuries, the concept of physical beauty has changed a lot. The ideal models of beauty have been of various types, especially for women - at some point in history, it was fashionable to have pale skin, to be thinner or "chubby", to have the waist marked by tight and almost asphyxiating corsets, to have a cylindrical body, long hair, short hair… Be that as it may, there has always been such a pattern.

Women are the ones who suffer the most in the balance of this beauty account. And the question remains: what is beauty, anyway? How to feel confident and beautiful in a world where the pattern tries to “erase” the various beauties we find out there? One thing is fact: beauty is fundamental, but it goes beyond a physical attribute. Want to know how to feel more beautiful and confident in a real way? We have selected some special tips for you. Keep reading!

Take care of your emotional

Before touching the body, it is necessary to be in a healthy mind. When we are emotionally balanced, it is much easier to look at ourselves with more affection and tolerance.

Tips to feel confident and beautiful!
wayhomestudio / Freepik / Me Without Borders

Embracing that defect that we value so negatively helps us to have a positive view of our body. So try to be well on the inside to be well on the outside too.

Eat well

It's no use buying a wonderful foundation that leaves your skin a "peach", if you don't eat well, if you don't ingest nutrients that will truly make your skin wonderful from the inside out.

With the right vitamins and minerals, through a balanced diet, you will have more energy, your skin will look good and your hair will grow in a healthy way. And then it becomes much easier to feel beautiful, because there is nothing more beautiful than a healthy body.

Drink water

It's basically raining on the wet, but water is life. We are tired of knowing that more than 70% of our body is made up of water. So it makes perfect sense to stay hydrated.

Water hydrates the body, fights acne and cellulite (decreasing swelling), regulates body temperature, helps digestion and helps the kidneys and blood circulation function properly, among many other benefits. How not to feel good with the body hydrated?

Do exercises

It's not just about losing weight. It's not just to shape the body. Physical exercise is essential to keep your health up to date. Your heart needs activity, just like your brain, your muscles, and your joints.

Tips to feel confident and beautiful!
StockSnap / Pixabay / Me Without Borders

Living in a good mood and with strong and firm muscles does bring more security and confidence. Because it de-stresses, it fights anxiety and depression. So take this into account too, as physical activity promotes not only physical but also emotional well-being. If you don't like the gym, do dancing, yoga, a fight… just don't stand still.

Take a moment to take care of yourself

No need to go to a spa or spend tons of money on expensive creams. Just have a care routine, at home, with the products you have. Create “your moment”, those minutes in which you will dedicate yourself to self-care.

Take a relaxing bath, moisturize your hair, massage your body, paint your nails (it's not impossible to do this alone and don't worry about being a nail artist either. Just enjoy the time to take care of yourself), shave yourself (if you your taste), do the eyebrow etc.

Smile more

Smile, laugh, laugh… without moderation! There are already numerous studies that prove that laughter is beneficial for physical and mental health. Smiling helps to relax, maintain emotional balance and increase self-esteem. It releases serotonin and endorphin, neurotransmitters linked to well-being, pleasure and joy.

Laughter is definitely the best medicine. In addition, it is good for the heart, because when we smile, our blood flow increases. And it still helps exercise the brain, improves sleep quality, strengthens the immune system and tones the abdomen (what's better than working out your belly laughing?). Health has a direct relationship with beauty and self-confidence!

Don't try to fit the pattern

Understand one thing: it's not you who doesn't fit a certain pattern. It is the standard that no longer fits in our society. So don't try to fit a model just because they say it's the right one. That does not exist.

There is no such thing as fashionable hair, the ideal body, the prettiest face shape, the most “high” skin or eye color. You are perfect with your imperfections, because every part of your body is beautiful and deserves your love and affection.

Don't try to please others

Don't seek approval from others. If you like your hair curly or straight, don't change it to please someone. Don't stop wearing the clothes you love because someone says it's too short or someone else says it doesn't fit your body.

Tips to feel confident and beautiful!
Jennifer Enujiugha / Pexels

Free yourself from these toxicities. You deserve to wear what you want, dye your hair the color you want… nothing can stop you. You only need to do what makes you feel good. Don't be hostage to other people's opinions.

practice meditation

Meditation has a number of benefits for our lives, both physically and psychologically, and even spiritually. This practice helps us connect with ourselves. It promotes breath control, reduces anxiety and keeps us in balance.

Try to practice every day – five minutes makes a big difference. And you will soon see the results in the way you see yourself and others. Through self-control, meditation provides more confidence and lightness.

Above all, practice self-love.

It's not easy to express self-confidence, especially when there can be people and situations that pull us down. But self-love is an exercise that must be practiced daily. And practice makes perfect. So start now. Gradually, in your own time. In fact, respecting your time is already a sign of self-love.

And why is self-love important for our self-knowledge?

Taking a ride on the last tip, why is it so important to talk about this feeling? Basically we were created to fit into the famous beauty dictatorships, according to standards, which do not take into account the wonderful diversity that exists in humanity.

Tips to feel confident and beautiful!
wayhomestudio / Freepik / Me Without Borders

When we practice self-love, we turn inward as a way to explore our inner selves with more empathy and without judgment. And it's not about putting yourself first in a selfish way, it's about preserving yourself mentally, spiritually and emotionally from toxic situations, relationships and people.

And also, speaking of the penultimate tip on meditation, it's important to have that connection. Meditation allows us to strengthen our spiritual connection, to take a more generous look at ourselves.

Strengthening our spirituality also allows us to practice forgiveness and self-forgiveness. These actions lead us to perceive ourselves with more love and affection, without judgment. It is a mirror that takes us into our souls. And nothing more wonderful than carrying the beauty of the soul.

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Remember: beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. It is in the eye of the beholder. Because being and feeling beautiful has nothing to do with how people see us, but how we see ourselves and show ourselves to the world. You are beautiful, yes! Inside, outside, from all angles.

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