Tips on how to live without regrets

Life is too short, which is why we need to live intensely as if each day is our last day of life.

It's natural to have bad experiences, not always everything is as we want or imagine, but if it weren't for the attempts, whether frustrating or successful, we wouldn't be who we are today. It is through the falls that we learn to stand up and be stronger.

Regret is a feeling that becomes a heavy burden in our lives. Whenever we remember a fact that we don't like, our mind is automatically dominated by negative thoughts and we even feel like failures. It's time to live a life without regrets and anguish, learn how to get rid of these feelings:
think of yourself

There's always someone who will try to disapprove of everything and that's why you shouldn't even listen to that person. Do what your heart asks and ignore people like that. Go your own way, you are the only person who can decide your life.

accept the mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, after all, we are far from perfect. Accept that making mistakes is human and part of our evolution. Learn to forgive yourself and forgive those around you. A light heart is a happier heart.

Take responsibility for your life

Stop blaming people for your problems and learn that you are the only one who can decide your path. No one is to blame for your mistakes, disappointments, choices or actions, your life is in your hands.

Learn from your experiences

Every day we live different experiences and we always learn something new. The more you allow yourself to learn, the greater your chances of growth will be.Tips on how to live without regrets


do what you love to do

Don't waste time doing things that don't add anything to you. Don't be afraid to change if something is bothering you, the important thing is to feel happy.

be grateful for what you have

We will never be completely satisfied, but we certainly have enough to be happy.

accept the changes

Changes are always welcome, accept them with open arms.

share love

The more we share good feelings, the more we receive good things in our lives.

Don't try to change others

In the same way that you don't have to deprive yourself of what you want to do because of other people's opinion, you shouldn't want to change anyone's life. Accept people as they are.

take risks

Be brave enough to face problems head on. The more we overcome our limitations, the more we evolve.

Written text by Letícia Espíndola from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team. 

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