Tips for developing emotional intelligence in relationships

Although not well known to most people, emotional intelligence is a skill that has gained more and more prominence. Unlike other forms of intelligence, what counts here is the way we analyze and interpret our feelings and those of others.

So someone who has emotional intelligence is able to understand what they're feeling and act without those emotions taking over everything. Imagine how beneficial it is in a moment of anger, for example. Instead of cursing someone, or taking everything out on someone else, it will be possible to take a deep breath and think twice before taking action.

Even at work, emotional intelligence is important. With it, we are able to organize ourselves better, avoid stress and tension and relate better to other employees, performing teamwork with more care and harmony. Combined with other forms of intelligence, it will result in a successful professional.

Thinking specifically about the interpersonal relationships we have with family, friends and loves, emotional intelligence can bring about changes you can't even imagine. Learn more about it with the content we have prepared and be surprised!

Why is emotional intelligence important for relationships?

A relationship, whatever it may be, will be built from the individuality of two or more people. As everyone has a way of thinking and acting, we will not always agree on everything. We will go through difficult situations, we will have arguments and we will feel sad with each other. All this is normal, right?

Disagreeing with a person is common in any relationship, no matter how much we love that other individual. However, this disagreement should not turn into unnecessary conflicts, in which anger, resentment and disappointment speak louder.

In another case, we may be hurt by the attitude the other person has taken. Or because we disagreed with her, or because she negatively affected us. As unpleasant and unexpected as this is, do we need to vent these bad feelings in the form of name-calling, indirection and aggression?

That's why we need emotional intelligence in relationships. This does not mean that we will never feel bad about the behavior of those we love again, or that that person will not hurt us, or that we will not express our pain. It's much better than that!

Tips for developing emotional intelligence in relationships
Git Stephen Gitau / Pexels

In a love, friendship or family relationship, emotional intelligence will help us understand what we are feeling and what the other person is feeling. From there, we will be able to work to find the root of these emotions, without them being impulsively shown or turning into rancor.

So, instead of taking out your misunderstood feelings on those who have no relationship with them, or doing something that will bring you regrets, everything will be different. First, you will be able to control and express your negative emotions, just as you will be able to control your positive emotions.

Second, you will develop more empathy, to listen to the people you love and understand how they are feeling about a given situation. Then the dialogue will be facilitated in a very significant way. Your relationship will probably be much more transparent and sincere.

And then the bond with your friends, with your family and with the ones you love will become much more intense. Unnecessary and never-ending conflicts will be replaced by true and productive conversations, which can only improve these relationships. It's much better to live like this, isn't it?

Tips for developing emotional intelligence

There are many ways to develop your emotional intelligence, but we've separated those tips that will help you have a healthier relationship with everyone around you. Try it!

1) Assess your emotions

The first step in developing emotional intelligence is analyzing your emotions. You can do this with the help of therapy or meditation, as long as you are able to assess what the root of your feelings is. Think: what are the triggers that activate certain emotions in you? What people or situations give you these feelings?

Tips for developing emotional intelligence in relationships
cottonbro / Pexels

2) Control your impulses

By recognizing the source of your feelings, you will be able to calm yourself before they consume you. Instead of fighting, screaming, or crying uncontrollably, take a deep breath and recognize that you need time to process what is happening. Avoid starting a dialogue in the heat of emotions, as this can harm you.

3) Learn to listen

As much as our feelings lead us to spill everything we are thinking, it is important to know how to listen to the other person. If she has hurt you, for example, allow her to explain herself before attacking her. If you've hurt her, listen to what she's feeling instead of empty apologizing.

4) Say what you're feeling

Expressing your feelings is critical to developing your emotional intelligence. In this way, you will let the other person know what is on your mind, and it will be easier to find a solution to a difficult situation. In addition, your positive feelings can bring about important transformations when they are translated into words.

  • Dig deeper into the concept of emotional intelligence
  • Improve yourself with the benefits of emotional intelligence
  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • Prioritize empathic communication with others

5) Avoid aggressive words and phrases

In arguments, it's difficult to stay calm and avoid indirect or aggressive behavior. However, using emotional intelligence, you will recognize that these attitudes are not productive and will only result in more anger and sadness. Choose your words well, don't act on impulse. Remember that what you say in challenging times can last a long time in the memory of the one you love.

After all the information we have presented, you must have understood better why emotional intelligence is so important in your relationships. Now is the time to develop it daily, so that your most precious bonds are always intact!

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