Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes

Quality of life doesn't always mean having more stuff. In fact, it often means having less. A good example of this is how people who accumulate a lot of unnecessary objects end up getting more confused and creating more problems by the excess of everything around them. Today, we are going to talk about a type of excess that you can get rid of to help your routine to be much more objective and practical: excess clothes.

As much as you need clothes for each season of the year and for various social occasions, having too much clothes often hinders more than helps when choosing what you are going to wear. In addition, we must be socially aware that clothes we no longer wear can be good for those who are in need of something to keep warm on a cold night. Here are some signs that it's time to clean out your wardrobe.

origin uncertain

Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

You often discover clothing that you don't even know where it came from. Sometimes she's so old you can't even remember why she's there. This is a sign that it is past time to donate your old clothes.

Sale off

If you can't resist a sale and spend more money than you can on seasonal promotions, that's a problem. In addition to running out of money, what is being sold at a low price is not always ideal for you. Avoid buying something just because it's cheap. There's a good chance this piece will run aground in your wardrobe.


Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Photo by chuttersnap after Unsplash

If you can't remember the last time you cleaned out your wardrobe or closet, it's because it's about time you let go of some pieces. Ideally, you should at least do such a cleaning every six months. If possible, do it every three months when the season changes, which is exactly when some clothes will no longer be worn.


Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

It is normal for the brain to create justifications for buying more and more. This is a psychological mechanism that everyone goes through at some point in their lives. “The price is good”, “This outfit is just what I needed”, “If I don't buy it, I won't find it later”, all are arguments that appear to justify an unnecessary purchase. Train your mind to be aware of what you really need to buy.

It doesn't fit anymore

Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Photo by mentatdgt not Pexels

If your clothes no longer fit in your closet and you have to keep finding new places to store new clothes, it's a sign that you have too much stuff. Don't be afraid to donate some parts. You can be sure they won't be missed and you'll still be able to help someone in need.

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Difficulty to find

Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Photo by Cam Morin on Unsplash

When you want a specific piece of clothing and you can't find it among so many things you have, it's another sign that it's time to trade quantity for quality.

hangers are missing

Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Kai Pilger's photo in Pexels

If you don't have enough hangers for all your clothes, you have too many clothes too. Remember: having too many clothes will not make it easier to choose clothes to go out, but it will make it more difficult due to the excess of options.

Search for clothes

Time to unplug! Some signs that you have too many clothes
Photo by Borko Manigoda on Pexels

If people, whether friends or family, come to you to borrow clothes, it's because they know you have what they need. This is also a sign that you may have too many clothes. Why not take advantage of these situations and give these people the pieces they want as a gift? You will make someone's day happier.

  • Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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