Time and our continued existence

    Time passes so quickly that it's hard to even notice it. When we realize it, we are immersed in so many existential intrigues that we continually create in our heads.

    Time goes by too fast, and we don't allow ourselves to live. We let our lives be put on the back burner, while time passes… tick, tac.

    Time is crucial for our future to be a glorious future, and our minds know this well, because, as time passes, and our possible glories are left behind, we are taken by many frustrations, of all the types. Therefore, consciously or not, we are constantly trying to stretch it, increase it, triple it.

    Time and our continued existence
    a-poselenov de Getty Images / Canva

    We try and try, and in the end, only more frustrations remain. We know that time, as we know it, is a convention to better organize the world; and, even with all this convention, the little we do is take advantage of it.

    If we don't make the most of time as we should make the most of it, it takes advantage of us, consuming us, making us realize that we are almost at the end of a life that has been profoundly badly lived, barely existed. Time passes, and like it, so do we. We tried to be the masters of time, but he himself showed us that we are only his servants.

    Time is what invites us to live our lives fully. To be a positive differential of one's own existence. Time is the one who invites us to use it to promote our own time. Our time to love and be loved. The time to heal and let yourself be healed. To allow yourself to enjoy your fantasies. The time to be joy. To live in fraternity.

    Time to leave the masks and live a transparent life.

    Time and our continued existence
    LeandroDeCarvalho / pixabay

    The time we need to live is the present moment. The present moment of those who do not omit their responsibilities. To take care of time so that time can take care of each of us. Time teaches us that life is a continuous flow forward. Like the source of a river that does not give up in the face of obstacles. Time doesn't allow us to stagnate, it doesn't give us the privilege of playing with it, as if it weren't important.

    The time to live is the time when we are children, that is, it can be now. The time when love is pure and true. Time is our best pedagogue and, like all good pedagogues, it holds our hand and leads us to the paths that allow us to be happy.

    Time, finally, summons us to continue following, always.

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