This pain you feel is real

No one truly knows the pain that afflicts you, the suffering that takes your breath away and the worries that, day after day, drain your vitality. No one knows, in a raw way, the wounds that are in the deepest part of your soul, which make you cry out to the heavens for a consolation, for a little breath.

Yes, living is not an easy task. Living is a mission given only to the brave. We face lions every day and, after dinner, we are faced with a debt balance full of debts that, more often than not, makes us question the real purpose of this existence.

This pain you feel is real

You definitely identified with this, be honest. I know that, at some point, the burdens of daily toil made your shoulders get tired, made you want to scream, to give up and to throw yourself into the first gutter, to crash into the first wall your eyes were able to see. . That, you've probably thought about giving it a definitive stop.

Don't feel weak or abnormal for all this, you are not the first, nor will you be the last person with these lacerating pains. I advise, however, that you do not appropriate these feelings. Yes, try to let go of everything that tears you apart. Realize that something is sucking your vital energy, scream, seek help, get up from this place.

This pain you feel is real

Put on the warrior spirit, don't settle in this chair of suffering. Your pain exists, it is real, but it can be fought, mitigated or totally resignified.

What lessons can you draw from it? What is the purpose of all this in your life? That, close your eyes, reflect. What does she allow you to be? A more resilient person, less attached to things or people. Where in your shadow does it touch? What can she teach you? That, meditate, dive into this quest. Don't give up on this life, my dear brother, my dear sister!

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Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up. Around you there is a group of beings who will never give up on you, who will always love you and guide you on this journey. They only ask you one thing, you know what? May you trust them.

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