This May 4th we separate a life lesson from each Star Wars movie

"In a galaxy far, far away...". Anyone who doesn't know this one, which is one of the most famous quotes in the history of cinema, has certainly lived in a cave since the first movie in the "Star Wars" saga, released in 1977, hit theaters.

Many people think that, because it is a film called a blockbuster, the one made with rivers of money and with the aim of raising even more, pleasing the public with action scenes and strong emotions, the films in the saga are empty or with little meaning. This, however, is a lie.

What is Star Wars Day?

That's why we're going to take advantage of this May 4th to deconstruct this idea. For those who don't know, May 4 is known as Star Wars Day and the date is celebrated on this day because, in English, "may the force be with you", one of the most famous quotes of the saga, it says "may the force be with you”.

As “May” is “May” and “force” is very similar to the pronunciation of “fourth” in English, the 4th of May was officially established as Star Wars. Day all over the world.

Therefore, to celebrate this very special date for “Star Wars” fans, we have prepared a list with a lesson that we can learn from each of the films in the series. Prepared? May the force be with you! Stay tuned because the text contains many SPOILERS!

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Lesson — Don't let fear rule your life.

Fear is one of the biggest barriers that separates us from our destiny and what we have to achieve in life. It destroys our self-esteem, our self-confidence and our ability to fully reach our potential. Furthermore, it isolates us from loved ones and causes conflicts and eventually wars.

That's why the wise character Yoda says in this movie: “Fear causes anger. Anger causes hate. Hatred leads to suffering.” Very wise! May we get rid of fear so that our hearts are not filled with anger, hatred and suffering.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Lesson — Reflect, yes, but take the initiative!

In this episode, we realize that Anakin Skywalker has grown a lot. If there's one thing he learned to do between the previous film and this one, it was to take the initiative, so it was his attitude that led him to some successful actions in the series. Having taken the initiative, Anakin took a bounty hunter and saved Obi-Wan from those who had trapped him.

This May 4th we separate a life lesson from each Star Wars movie
Reproduction / Copyright UFD / AdoroCinema / Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

In addition, he realized that reflection is necessary, but that a combination of strategic vision, courage and, above all, initiative is the key to achieving his goals, whatever they may be.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Lesson — Even when you're at rock bottom, keep pushing.

At the end of Episode III, the Old Republic and the Jedi Order fall due to Luke Skywalker's betrayal. Yoda, Obi-Wan and the rest of the Republic remnant could have given up all hope and accepted defeat. The film, however, ends on a bright and hopeful tone.

Darth Vader's children fill us with hope and grow up to become the protagonists of the original trilogy. The final scenes are a reminder that even when everything seems to have come to an end, it is still possible to believe and hope.

Episode IV: A New Hope

Lesson — Have people in your life who support you and believe in you.

Many times, in our lives, we end up staying by the side of people who do us no good or who lead us down a path that only causes pain and frustration. And we do this only because we are afraid of loneliness, because, as the cliché says, better alone than poorly accompanied.

And more than that: better accompanied than alone. Being alone is good and necessary, but when we spend too much time like this, we can face our shadows a lot and that can lead us down a really dark path, as Darth Vader did.

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Lesson — Make a commitment to the life you want to live and go for it!

"Do or not do, there is no try." – Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back

How many times have you found yourself realizing that you've spent weeks or even months or years debating internally whether or not you should do something, always rehearsing a move but never really taking the initiative to make that move and see what it produces in your life. ?

That's why, in this movie, Yoda says, “To do or not to do. There is no trying”. That is, when we spend too much time in reflection and fear of doing, we are not putting off, as thoughts, we are failing to do. So take the initiative and go in search of what you want for yourself!

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Lesson — Don't lie to yourself. We usually know what the right thing to do is.

If you believe in spirituality, you probably believe that intuition is divine or comes from another plane to guide us. If you don't believe in anything spiritual, look at intuition as a sum of things you've seen, heard, read, lived, etc. and that it makes you react like that when you go through something.

This May 4th we separate a life lesson from each Star Wars movie
Reproduction / Copyright DR / AdoroCinema / Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Usually, we get lost in long reflections about what to do in a given situation, and the answer, most of the time, was in front of us as soon as we decided to face the problem. Trust what Yoda calls the voice you hear when you're about to fall asleep.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Lesson — Humility first.

One of the main questions of this film is the identity of Rey's parents. The truth, however, is that Rey received a very different response from Kylo Ren, something that broke her expectations: “They were filthy junk dealers. They sold you for money to drink. They are dead in a pauper's grave in the Jakku Desert. You come from nowhere. You are nothing."

Although they are harsh words, they come with a lesson: often, in our search for answers or to fulfill our goals, we think that we are the center of the Universe and that our priorities are essences. However, deep down, we are nothing, we are very small before the All. So let's be humble.

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Lesson — Turn Pains into Growing Pains

In "The Last Jedi," Rey's journey continues. Rey asks Luke to teach her how to work on her potential to become more skilled and powerful. Luke's training isn't easy and Rey struggles to understand his methods, but it looks like she'll never be able to reach her potential, which discourages her...

When, however, she is faced with the need to save her friends, Rey is able to put into practice everything she has been learning from Luke, even what she never imagined she had learned. So she rescues the Resistance from the First Order. Anyway, lessons are often painful, but turn them into wisdom and put them into practice!

Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Lesson — Be an example

“Good people will join the fight if we lead them,” Poe Dameron says in this film. And when we are talking about leadership, it is already a cliché to say that a good leader is not the one who commands and orders, but the one who adds strength and leads by being and setting an example.

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So, whether you are a father, mother, manager, husband, wife, teacher or any other position where someone looks to you as a role model, with admiration, always remember to set an example, because that is what will make people trust and follow their walks by your side.

Anyway, these are some of the hundreds of lessons that we can learn from the films of the “Star Wars” saga, which are rich in wisdom and knowledge and can teach us a lot about life itself. So, ready for marathons and absorb all this knowledge?

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