Things every woman needs to do alone at least once

You know that maxim: “you were born alone and you will die alone”? Or even that other one: “I wasn't born glued to anyone”? Well, they may seem cruel or a little bitter, but I have to tell you: they are true. I'm not saying that life doesn't reserve us beautiful friendships and loves, and even less that we shouldn't enjoy the company of people, just that we need to learn to also be happy without depending on anyone.

In the case of women, the case is even more important, especially because of machismo and many aspects rooted in society or even violence. Empowerment, feminism and the struggle for gender equality currently help a lot in this regard. Therefore, it is extremely important that you learn to enjoy being alone, that your company is enough for you and that, above all, never stop doing something you want because you have no one to go with.

Below are some things you need to do on your own at least once. I guarantee: it's liberating and gives you an indescribable sense of pride in yourself!

– Go to a restaurant

Often, we see a person alone in a restaurant and we already think that they have had a cake or that they must be very lonely. But it's not quite there… She can be alone in a restaurant simply because she wants to. And she could be you. Just want.

- To travel

Traveling in a group or with your boyfriend is undoubtedly a wonderful experience, but traveling alone can be just as amazing. Just think: the planning – from the destination, to the tours, food, hotel – is all yours. It's a great way to get to know yourself and mature, since, being away from everyone, you'll have to fend for yourself.

- Go to the cinema

Just buy the ticket and enter the room with a bucket of popcorn to be happy. You won't have to spend hours in front of the box office arguing with anyone which movie they're going to see, let alone having to deal with annoying comments right in the most beautiful scene.

– Go to a show

It's like a more advanced version of 'going to the movies'. For starters, you can pick a show from a band you're completely crazy about and know every word of the song by heart. Close your eyes, surrender to the music and dance like there's no tomorrow. Fun is guaranteed!

- Cook

Most of the time, we cook more elaborate dishes only when we have guests. When it's just for our food, frozen ones always seem like a good option. Change it at least once! Make your favorite food and dessert with the greatest care and care possible. Enjoy every bite.

– take care of yourself

Forget the beauty salon and beauty services. Set aside a day and take care of yourself at home. Make a real spa and don't let anyone interrupt you. The day is all yours and you will feel more loved, rested and beautiful at the end of it.

- Shopping
Things every woman needs to do alone at least once

I know well that no woman has a problem with shopping, but it's a fact that most always carry a friend with them for shopping hours. Forget it! Go for a walk alone and go into the stores you want, take your time and don't care about anyone's opinion on whether or not the clothes were good. Believe in the mirror and in your opinion!

– Playing or watching sports

If you do the sports line, it's time to build up courage and buy a ticket to your favorite team's game. Or better yet: go jogging in the park alone. Enjoy your company and feel all your hormones in action.

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– Learning to do “manly” things

It's time to stop depending on one man to fix your computer, change the light bulb, or do some simple home repairs. There are quick courses for that. If you don't have much skill, keep a digital document with options for professionals to do these tasks, so you'll never depend on a friend, brother or boyfriend to take your car to the workshop, for example.

- Anything you really want

The most important thing is to always do something that you feel like doing. If you have a craving inside you screaming to be satiated, don't wait for anyone. Do it for yourself and with yourself.

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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