The world is good!

    Nando Reis used to say: “The world is good, Sebastião!”

    Life is good and extremely generous always! The problem is that we don't understand this because we observe everything through a mental screen that is placed in front of our eyes. This screen is made up of all the conditioning and mental patterns that we learn during life. It is as if in front of our eyes there is a screen that makes us see life in a somewhat crooked and strange way. We are Consciousness and everything is Consciousness, everything is in perfect order in the flow of life, always directed so that all beings go through the necessary experiences to realize that we are Consciousness and everything is Consciousness.

    We are Consciousness now, we always were and we always will be!

    Going through the process of identifying with the body, with the mind and with the external world is just an experience in the movement of Consciousness itself. At some point, for all of us, this will no longer make sense, we will look inside and realize that there is a light inside us. This light will then guide us towards the destruction of all mental mechanisms until only light remains and we realize that, in fact, this light that has always guided us is who we really are.

    So surrender, surrender to your Conscience, let it lead you; she knows the way. Her mind only knows the way of repetition and we will keep repeating until we get tired, but then it's time to wake up to the Light that we really are and to the perception that everything is Light!

    The world is good!

    The other day I met a gentleman, I was talking to him, he was joking making jokes, he apologized to me and said to me: "I know you can see people's hearts and you can see that my heart is kind of black", I replied to him : "That doesn't exist, everyone's heart is good, the only thing that gets in the way is that they haven't realized it yet".

    All the experiences we live, all the people we meet, everything that happens inside and outside of us is Consciousness. Can you tell me, then, how can this happen when so many bad things happen all the time, so many tragedies? And I answer you that when we see things in this way, we are seeing them from a microscopic perspective, but there is a macroscopic perspective that we can only perceive when we feel the Consciousness that we are.

    Life is a beautiful dance! Let her take you! Namaste! Light, Peace, Love and Joy to you all!

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