The Witches and the Stones

    I love stones, the famous crystals, and at some point I would have to talk about it with you lol

    So let's enjoy this month, in which we celebrate the Halloween, to talk about crystals, stones… How to talk about a witch and not remember the famous crystal balls?

    Witches were women, usually elders, who had a knowledge of herbs and energies that could heal. They often had the power to see beyond their time in many ways.

    Leaving aside all the hype, all the fanciful stories (or not!), let's talk about the beneficial aspect that they bring us together with their connection by stones.

    The Witches and the Stones
    Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

    Who has not seen a rose quartz stone, green or even an amethyst and was enchanted by them, finding them beautiful, whether for decoration or for personal use, such as jewelry, for example.

    I don't know if you saw it, but on October 13th, the canonization of the first Spanish saint, Sister Dulce, now Santa Dulce dos Pobres, took place.

    At the canonization ceremony, the saint's relic and mortal remains (in her case, a piece of bone) were exposed. For the other blesseds who were being canonized with her, these relics were displayed in a common monstrance (religious object), normally used.

    But that of our Spanish saint was in an amethyst druse! This represents much of her work, which had no distinction of creed, race and color; only love prevailed, love learned in the gospels and lived in his entire life!

    This is also what the stones bring us in the form of energia. Regardless of her shape, color, size, she will only want to show you the good, the energy of the earth, the force that created her and that over time made her what she is today.

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    It's not necessary to talk about stone size, color, what it's for… There's really a lot on the internet, truths and untruths too. If you want to know more, you can ask that I indicate who I follow and who helps me in my study.

    What is important in all this is our connection. If you like it, accept your witch side and feel the giving energy of a crystal, because it simply uses the truth, so it's no use manipulating it! He is pure good, love and truth. Try it!

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