The truth that frees us from self-sabotage: be who you were born to be!

    The truth that frees us from self-sabotage: be who you were born to be!

    Do you know when we're about to achieve something amazing, that we've always wanted, and suddenly doubts arise in our mind? That unconscious and hesitant voice, which asks itself: “Is it really going to work?”

    Whenever this occurs, several triggers are triggered in our mind, causing limiting beliefs to manifest.

    Statements such as: “It's too good to be true”, “The joy of the poor doesn't last long”, “When the alms are too much, the saint mistrusts” reveal a lot about the way we see ourselves and the world. Such beliefs generate the feeling of scarcity, insecurity, helplessness, revealing that we do not consider ourselves worthy of deserving the blessings that the divine creator has prepared for us.

    Our heart deserves to vibrate with emotion every time a dream is born. Our mind deserves to flow and expand, in order to access the infinite possibilities of the Universe. Just as we are manifestations of divine consciousness, our dreams are manifestations of our soul's purpose.

    The belief of unworthiness must be transmuted in the light of our conscience. The Universe is abundant and perfect, in full harmony with the whole.

    Just contemplate this truth to understand that we just need to persist and move on! Let's be who we were really born to be, without being paralyzed by the expectations or frustrations of others. Let us be the truth that beats in our heart and fills our soul with hope.

    "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" John 8:32

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    Our inner truth, which dwells in our spirit, is what helps us to discern what is really important to us. It frees us from the yoke of illusions and the weight of other people's opinions. It is the path that leads us to our full realization.

    May our truth free us from limiting beliefs, negative feelings and self-sabotage, awakening the light of conscience, so that we can be who we were born to be.

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