The Treasure Map in Your Hands

    Life is made of choices and situations. Therefore, in order not to remain, not to be a ship adrift, subject to imbalance, we must establish positive goals, seeking healthy habits both in the professional and emotional aspects.

    The realization of the feeling of feeling good is not immediate. At first, yes, it seems like magic, but it's just a matter of mood, which changes your emotional state, causing you temporary well-being. Therefore, for you to always feel this comfort of being well with yourself, you must have constancy and perseverance in mental attitudes that strengthen this state of mind.

    It's like going to the gym every day to work out, do the treadmill, keep the muscles, be in good physical shape; it is like a garden that must be tended daily so that weeds do not grow. This is how your emotional conditions work: there must be discipline, you must follow some basic rules, which must be practiced to train your mind, strengthening your spirit and generating the necessary disposition to move forward in life with a smile on your face.

    This condition of feeling good does not happen by chance. In fact, you have to fight every day for this improvement in your quality of life. Over time, you get used to it, you start to have this behavior that was allowed by the fact of having had an orientation, for having followed a sequence of actions, learning what must be done to live well.

    It is not a subordination, a dependency or a submission. On the contrary: it is a way of seeking a balance to have a direction and an idea in the face of adversity, which, in turn, always arise in life.

    If there is not this stability, this firmness of purpose and a kind of root, the dry leaves tend to be carried away by the winds of circumstances, which sometimes blow one way, sometimes the other.

    Life and human existence are fleeting and ephemeral. Everything is transient and tenuous. Even so, going against this logic would be like fighting windmills, as Cervantes' classic character, Don Quixote, did, the knight who sought an unlikely reality in fantasy. We have to seek to understand the nature of things.

    We need to abandon the notion of the presumptive and be guided by intuition, by the presentiment of a perspective due to an observation, an assessment of the route to be followed, based on solid foundations, on principles and values, assertive concepts, which, in moments of doubt, , will be like foundations, like a structure that can keep us conscious; as if it were a compass that guides us through the unknown waters that destiny has in store for us.

    The Treasure Map in Your Hands

    However, we cannot be carried away by chance and the appearance of that which has no substance. We cannot live in bliss, believing that fortune, a mere possibility, is a certainty, something constant. This can all be a stumbling block, a fatality and not a safe haven of calm waters to dock your ship. Because it's easy to get lost along the way, to be seduced by the sirens' song, to have a wrong image of yourself, which sooner or later will lead us to the valley of shadows.

    Therefore, seek to orient yourself, learn, educate yourself, have the treasure map in your hands. This map is composed of the precepts, the greatness of the spirit, the essence of sublime love, for the soul and the heart, so that smiles always bloom. This will foster a satisfaction caused by feeling good. On your face, smiles will sprout, revealing joy, well-being, good mood, lightness and serenity of having inner peace.

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