The timeline of your life

    Your life corresponds to everything that happens in it. You are essential in this context! You are a special being, that's why you were chosen to fulfill an earthly mission. Exactly a few years ago, you were born. Just a few years ago, you were given the opportunity to come to Earth to do your best, expand your talents and create more evolution on your path. You are a being that is destined to evolve. Evolution is the basis for all times and all moments. Your life depends on you and the evolution you will achieve in all this time.

    It's your time. It's your life. It's you on the move, so don't be paralyzed by anything at all. Have faith and walk in the forward direction. Follow your path towards evolution. With each new day that comes, manage everything that happens in it so that you can make the most of each step and thus continually evolve. Evolution doesn't stop calling you when you connect with it. Activate your life path with all the vitality you want to experience. Believe you are the great deserving of all this. Believe that you are the ideal person to perform all your tasks. You are on a mission, and as much as you have doubts and feelings of uncertainty, trust your life path very much. If you were to do something β€œsmall”, you wouldn't be on Earth for that purpose.

    To be great is to live with all the intensity of your Inner Self in a life that is worth living. Life really is valuable for those who have connected with its essence. It is the life that vibrates in your being. All the time, you are directed to your life. Do not forget that. You need to stay connected, as the most appropriate direction is the one that takes you to your heart. The soul becomes valuable when it recognizes the preciousness of life. With this, respect, love, peace, gratitude, happiness and naturalness arise.

    The timeline of your life
    Marcos Paulo Prado / Unsplash

    This timeline is being built by you. It is you who live the sweet experience of Earth. Living in it is to give yourself the opportunity to experience what comes, welcome, transform and enrich. True riches are destined for the spiritual realm. We are spiritual beings living on Planet Earth. The material world is for a period. The real world itself is the spiritual. We need to contemplate the spiritual world that inhabits our being.

    Valuing time and each moment is knowing that life is made of wealth and, with that, we respect the time we are here and experience it with all our intensity, harmony and love. To live well, it is necessary to use time and build a great timeline that makes your life an immensity of goals and purposes aligned with evolution. Every day is a day to overcome the challenges that will appear so that we can evolve further. Gratitude for these moments and personal power to work towards the best. You can do it. You were born to do this.

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    Love & Light!

    Fraternal hug,
    karina schuler
    Specialist in Body Psychology and Training with Bioenergetics

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