The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

Self-mastery happens when you fully accept yourself. It's accepting yourself as a bundle of good things and not-so-good things.

So let's assume you have three Selves, like this:


Very well, based on that, the objective of this text will be to generate subsidy to strengthen your self-image for success, allowing its acceptance in an integral way.

The more whole you are, the more confident you will be and the better results you will reap, because you stop wasting energy for nothing, holding your true self in the "basement" of the mind. 

The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

You, from the choice to face and solve what is not comfortable within you, because you consider it bad, are also holding the immense power of your TRUE SELF, which silently waits for you to recognize it.

Well, in essence there is only the TRUE ME. This Self represents the reality of who you are.

Above the TRUE SELF, you hide fears, envy, shame, guilt, fear of others identifying your weaknesses. This is the I HIDDEN or I shadow. It is a feared ME. But that I is you too!

O I IDENTITY it's the me we pretend to be. If you can fake it well, you'll present yourself with that Self being the only one that people will be able to see. It's the image you project to the world. It's based more on the desire to cover up who you're afraid to be and less on who you really are.

Without realizing it, you perfect yourself so much, rationalizing and intellectualizing things, so that no one notices deficiencies. Without realizing it, you deny a part of yourself. 

The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

However, this comes at a cost. A loss of energy, as if you had to constantly hold several balloons at the bottom of a swimming pool. In some moments they escape and it takes more strength.

The great loss is that, with this, you do not connect with the TRUE SELF and you are stuck in a pattern that is harmful to your potential development. It's a waste of time to keep up appearances.

THE HIDDEN ME. It is that Self you fear being recognized.

That simple! To identify the things that are part of the hidden Self (negative self-image), you can be aware of what kinds of expressions, situations or things that tell you and that disturb you.

The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

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Identifying these situations, write on a sheet of paper what would be the opposite of each of these aspects of your hidden Self. With this you will gradually become more aware and reduce the pressure and wear of holding them.

Accepting the figures of fears, fears, restrictions, prejudices; and recognizing them as part of you, you will give birth to them and begin to release yourself for the True Self to take over.

THE TRUE ME: “this is the guy”, is who you really are.

Fantastic, charismatic, trustworthy, powerful, competent and authentic.

The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

To identify or certify the True Self, ask yourself: Who are you if no one is watching you? What would you do differently in life if you felt totally safe? What would your life be like if you didn't have any fear?

If the answers have given you a pleasant sense of power and well-being, then you already know what your true self looks like.

But if you haven't had that feeling yet, it's because you still need to work on the issues that are stuck in the hidden Self, hiding a negative self-image.


Consider as the main point in this text the idea that when you start living your TRUE SELF, the easier, happier and more effective you will be.

The Three Selves and the True Self Dilemma

Finally, using your imagination, do the following exercise:

Eyes closed… relax your eyelids and your whole body.

Observe how your TRUE SELF talks to others, deals with problems and works towards your goals.

After visualizing the TRUE SELF as powerful and magnificent, assume its identity, feel like it, see like it and hear like it.

Change your life in 7 days. Paul Mckenna

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