the strength of forgiveness

Forgiveness X Guilt

The act of forgiving is the most generous, humble and empathetic way that humanity has to detach itself from things, people and/or situations, thus, one perceives a lightness installed in its mind and heart.

The fact that we have grievances and blame others or ourselves for a certain attitude reveals how much we create expectations and then demonstrates that our controlling part needs to be in charge, “whatever the cost”. We put a lot of energy into this context and, if something goes wrong, we become disappointed and blame ourselves or others for the failure.

Guilt then becomes an extension of the “inability” to hit, resolve, resolve… and carries with it a false sense of compensation, usually there is a substitution of guilt for the place of defeat. The repercussion of this is a poorly assimilated experience that configures or reconfigures limiting beliefs related to intra and interpersonal relationships and, mainly, to their ability to achieve, courage in the face of life and the risks inherent in the act of living.

the strength of forgiveness
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

The biggest difficulty is realizing that, in reality, this guilt is heavy and holds back several areas of life, after all, to carry something very heavy, we need a lot of energy, strength, disposition... aside things and/or people, goals,…, generating low vitality and self-esteem,…, “weakness” to perform usual activities at home and/or at work, weakening of immunity,…, symptoms begin to appear in the physical body… , that is, a chain of internal saboteurs gains space and everything seems to be out of balance at this moment.

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Guilt imprisons the mind, forgiveness brings to the light of conscience the need to be free and direct our energies to what is light, drives, brings meaning, love and humility.

If you are feeling this way, if you have started to notice this loss of energy, reflect on the guilt or the act of blaming others, practice self-forgiveness, forgive the one who did something not so positive to you and understand something very important: what is the other leaves with the other, what is yours stays with you, that is, add only what makes sense for your evolution as a person, as a professional, leave all the “rest” that does not add you to the one who speaks, feels , chooses to be this way; separate what is yours, what touches you, what you still need to learn from what you have no reason to achieve, either because you “passed the phase”/learned, or because it is someone else’s profile, not yours, or because you haven’t believes to be right… listen more to your intuition and you will understand how to lead this process.

the strength of forgiveness
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

The other is in a different stage of consciousness, maturity, evolution/learning than yours, so don't demand that he thinks and/or behaves like you, we are all fallible… even you. Respect the space, the choices, the life of the other... respect yourself, give space in your heart to compassion.

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