The soul of a passion seen by love

    “When I found you, I discovered that I had already met you before I met you, for feeling you in my certainty within my romantic spirit of belonging to you”.

    Passion becomes eternal love when it is approved by the gaze observed by love.

    All love is born of a very strong passion, so strong that it is not possible to describe what this sensation is like in billions of emotions within the sensitive being.

    Those who fall in love feel their romanticism emerge, their emotional spirit becomes sensitive and tears are part of everyday life, being company in a song heard, in a poetry read, in a soap opera, in short, tears are part of a whole . This is inevitable by the force of this energy that connects two hearts.

    I love you so much without knowing why... I just need to feel it in all its dimension until one day all that we feel for each other settles into a normal routine of living and becomes companionship or, ultimately, a goodbye to leave ”.

    The fact is that passion is a state of insanity in which reason bends and leaves the scene to make room for a thousand emotions.

    The soul of a passion seen by love
    Jasmine Carter / Pexels / Canva

    Knowing how to master this is asking a lot for those who suffer from the distance from the loved one and because of other impediments. However, it is necessary to dose the sequences of actions to feel all this with maximum balance, because we are talking about something too strong. It is the most beautiful feeling in the history of a life, and this will be marked throughout the subject's trajectory.

    Caution. It is also necessary to develop balance and, if necessary, let it go, saying goodbye to a great love to preserve the life of that love. A goodbye can be a “see you soon”. What needs to be observed is the structure of the person who loves a lot and can suffer from a breakup. However, having your own pride is necessary to let it go and keep the good memories, living this experience of having been loved or loved in life, which will give you, in the long run, a structure and a different look at the world. The future is God's will and things are happening as He creates situations for the common good of those involved in this strong passion. If it is the case that you have fallen in love with someone already committed and who will not be able to break the current marital relationship, then you will need to move on with your life and wait for the time of the Universe. If it has to be, it will be.

    Love is forever for having approved the period of passion, which lasts around 18 months, on average, according to neuroscience studies, which studies the human brain and its decision-making.

    The plight of a human being in love is incredible. Just see the eyes and their actions.

    A heart in love feels many things that ordinary people or people in an ordinary state outside of passion do not feel. A heart in love needs to see the loved one every day, it misses, wants to kiss with tongue, feels the heart racing, feels the tears flow from time to time between the interstices of everyday life, as well as feeling a gigantic desire to make love with your soul mate.

    What science cannot explain is the real and empirical reasons for so much mutual belonging, like someone who already knew each other from other times and even from other lives or Universes far away from here.

    The soul of a passion seen by love
    Tatyana Nekrasova / ffgimages / Canva

    I love you my little girl! You're my star. We are comets from the same star. I love you so much, my Universe, because next to you, by your side, I feel at ease and the feeling is as if I were with myself, alone, because we will be one forever, my little girl”.

    It is through phrases like the ones I put above that many people try to express — and go much further.

    I am a poet and writer, as well as a philosopher, but I am well aware of the power of passion.

    The thing is serious and too strong — it's even inexplicable.

    Love, when looking at passion — and after the 18 months of infatuation state, it sees everything and observes the days and the behavior of actions, then it takes place in the space of passion and the two become one.

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    In bed, in the sexual act, pleasure is different, simple touches can cause a lot of pleasure, while sex happens, enjoyment, orgasm is in the background, because when there is this force of passion and love, a man , being with the woman of his life, and the woman, being with the man of his life, they spend hours feeling each other, between kisses, caresses, dances; thousand fantasies to be unveiled in the act of sex, the penetration of the heart is the strongest part of this sacred moment by God. Even tears fall from the eyes in the sexual act, because they are both one inexplicable universe.

    Pleasure to meet, an unparalleled taste of such happiness. Good to know that there is always a time to love; without asking for anything, no explanation for the force that unites us, one inside the other more and more together and for eternity”.

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