The secret I only tell those I love

What if I tell you how you become lord of a guardian capable of defending yourself and all that you have rightfully conquered?

What if I reveal to you where the inventor lives who teaches you a thousand ways to do the same things, and where to find the engineer who makes roads you never dreamed of tread?

What if I introduce you to the therapist who will make you build your dreams, experience your achievements so you don't take life's "no's" as definitive, proving that the impossible is just energy inviting you to do more?

What if I tell you the place where they reinvent you to get everything you need?

What if I show you where you find the courage to set the world on fire if you wish?

What if I reveal to you where the cupid you've been looking for is, so you'll never feel alone again?

What if I show you the switch that erases fear, envy, discord, and gives you back peace?

The secret I only tell those I love
Dominika Roseclay/ Pexels

And how about the place where you left the memories that sustain you, the sense of what fulfills you, and the gratitude of every morning?

What if I reveal to you where the link of the chain that connects you to the magic of the universe was left, the one of the joy that doesn't end, of the health that is not lost, of the friends that don't forget you and the dreams that come true?

What if I show you the exact place where the stars reach you, to put the reflection of their light in your eyes?

What if I point you to the place in the universe that doesn't ignore any of your questions, to give you all the answers you seek?

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What if I tell you where you find the everlasting peace you've spent your life seeking?

Well, make no mistake: this place is real! Because everything I told you about – including God, your God – is exactly where you can reach it whenever you want it: within yourself!

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