THE SECOND KEY OF THE BLACK BOX | Master the Resonance

The seven keys to the black box

THE SECOND KEY – Master the resonance

In the previous key, we learned that spending energy charging ourselves for past mistakes is the principle of distancing ourselves from our perfect essence. So is the power of our focus to determine how the inner and outer universe behaves. Quantum physics has already proven that we are the ones who create our reality, including what we call disease. Everything is vibration! Everything is energy or conscious information in motion. When we understand what energy we vibrate, we will understand what information we emit. Only then will we take the reins of our history. When we learn to vibrate in alignment with the Source of Life, we will have access to all of our innate power temporarily hidden in our black box. But how and why do we do this?

We have already said that everything resonates and that our thoughts and emotions can interfere in the universe. We send and receive invisible information all the time, but we do it unconsciously because we have difficulty dealing with our impulses in the face of everyday experiences. Do you know why this happens? Because of the illusion of separation. Everything is connected, we are all one, we know that. But only theoretically.

THE SECOND KEY OF THE BLACK BOX | Master the Resonance
Photo by lalesh aldarwish on Pexels

We charge ourselves because we compare ourselves. We use social parameters in search of being equal or better than other people. It's our way of asking for help, love me. Current reality has already proven that this behavioral pattern does not work. In the same way that we emit this cry for help with unbalanced attitudes, we also absorb the balanced energy resonated by people with a higher vibratory pattern to keep us, in a way, on our feet. The more unbalanced the information we emit, in addition to receiving this potentiated information back, we still suck healthy energies from unknown people and even from those we love. This resonance business is getting more and more serious, isn't it?

When I lived in Sorocaba, in the interior of São Paulo, for 13 years, I met an evangelical pastor who said something that moved me a lot. I played in a gospel punk rock band, and at almost all of our rehearsals, the singer and drummer argued. Yes, I was evangelical for 12 years. Lol… And they were beautiful years of learning. But that's another story. In one of these rehearsals, the two almost came out on the arm. This pastor arrived, separated the two before they got hurt, and said: If both of them think they're right, both of them will always be wrong. If they realize that they both got it wrong, they both got it right. This is pure conscious resonance. It is to understand, in essence, that by issuing the demand that the other recognize our reason, we give way to the other to demand the same thing. The result of this childish determinism is pretty obvious, isn't it? If both, however, realize that they were wrong to demand something that only belongs to themselves, both will open up to learn from each other in their respective mistakes.

Field resonance proves the expression: it is in giving that one receives.

To master the second black box key, we need to clearly understand this. After what we said in the previous texts so far, we have no more excuses to still look for blame or even charge ourselves for always wanting to be more than we are. I'm not saying to lie in the hammock and say things are as they are and do nothing. I'm saying that fighting with the present is fighting with yourself, enhancing the feeling of smallness. The present, which includes our inner and outer reality, is what it is. It is the result of compendia of choices we have made in the past. Don't we get tired of hitting the hammer on the same finger thinking that one day it will turn into a nail?

Seeking to improve is healthy, but weightless. Life needs to be light and fun. Everything is information, remember?

Consciously changing the resonance, understanding in the moment that we are about to take action, is the smartest practice we can take to change our vibrational pattern. There is no evolution, growth and empowerment, in any area, without loving self-observation. With weight, we not only grow, but we also get sick. The world is sick because the personal and social belief system is broken. No more room for a dirty belly button.

In the text “A Caixa Preta é de Carne”, we approach the brain and the heart. If you haven't read it, go back there and check it out, because it has very important information for our series. In short, our electromagnetic Center is the heart. But we can only access it by dissolving the barriers present in our subconscious in the form of viruses or limiting beliefs.

The heart is the vibrational motor center of our body. Practically, we absorb vital force through our spleen-pancreas, conduct this flow to the solar plexus and end, initially, in our heart. From this point, energy distribution is made to the entire body. But we also absorb and emit energy from our deepest feelings through this center, like a great lighthouse, or Sun of pure light, which we call the Central Sun. When we talk to someone we like, we emit energy of love to the other when we want to see them well, happy, whole. As the law of return is implacable, when we send out this flow of love, we receive it back. Want to know how we know we're emitting that energy? Just watch the way people look during a few minutes of dialogue. The facial expression, the movement of the body, the brightness of the other person's eyes changes. But be careful. If you feel that the person is changing, but you are getting strangely sad, sleepy, or weak, it means that this person is so lacking in energy that they cannot resonate to the same frequency. What she emits is the heavy energy that was prior to her arrival. That's why the greatest defense is to stay aligned with the divine source. Only then will we emit love and, even if the person cannot reciprocate in the same measure, the universe will find a way to replenish you in other ways. Other people approach, an impulse to withdraw and lead somewhere with a high harmonic pattern resonates in our intuition in infinite ways. Some people avoid emitting this love frequency for fear of being vampirized. This only proves how far you are still from understanding the unconditional love of the Source present in everything and everyone. The more people who learn to emit this stream of light consciously, the stronger this stream will become vibrating in all directions, inevitably changing the vibrational pattern of the planet.

We cannot access the infinite power in our subconscious, which leads us to our superconscious mind, directly connected to the Source of Life, until we learn to master the art of conscious resonance. And there's more. When two people, with the same awareness of the power of this art, come together to share a flow of pure love, the pattern of transformative energy generated is so immense that it would not fit our rational notion of love. Do the test.

THE SECOND KEY OF THE BLACK BOX | Master the Resonance
Photo by Elly Fairytale no Pexels

Sit comfortably facing another person and breathe deeply and calmly. Focus all your attention on your heart. Feel the Flow of Energy circulating around this Chakra and visualize a channel of light being emitted from your heart to the other person's heart. Continue emitting to each other until you are in an ecstasy of joy and completeness. If you can do this in nature, after you feel the fullness of love surrounding the two of you, open your eyes by keeping them closed, blurring slightly, and observe nature. With practice, you will soon find life circulating and vibrating through light, vibrant colors and harmonic sounds. All this is just the universe as it really is, far beyond the limited interpretations of our rationality.

Love yourself unconditionally and you will master the first key. Watch yourself and consciously use resonance and the second key will open for you a universe hidden in your subconscious never before imagined. Allow yourself to go beyond your certainties. Learn the art of unlearning to learn. Only then will you have a love encounter with your true divine essence.

You may also like
  • Learn to make your heart a guide for your decisions
  • Resonance and vibration: know how to protect your body
  • Everything you need to know about the electromagnetic field

In the next text, we will talk about the third key to understand the unlimited power of our black box. In it, we will understand the phrase that I always repeat:

Where you focus your attention gives power, and what gives power enters your reality.

Focus determines the pattern we resonate with. By controlling the focus, we control everything. Let there be lightness!

You are light! You have wings! Shine, daughter of lightness!

If you want to know more about the Quantum Universe and all its power of creation, follow our schedule of lectures and training on the website There are several cities across the country with different themes and exclusive knowledge that will help you to take your place as the architect of the universe itself.

See you later less.

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