The search for inner light in times of crisis

There are different stages of human life. Phase of choice, success, error, disappointment, happiness, suffering. As they say in Buddhism, everything is impermanence, that is, change. But it seems that in times of crisis, which most people go through at some point in their lives, change doesn't seem to happen.

It is in moments of crisis that we are also more shaken and it seems impossible for something good to happen. But believe me, it is possible. From a crisis you can rebuild, start from scratch and try again.

But it is only possible if you are looking for an inner light. If you spread rancor and hatred, this moment of crisis is more likely to last longer. And seeking that inner light is not always simple or easy, but believe me, it is within you.
What is the inner light?

Each one can define in their own way what an inner light actually represents. The name itself gives the answer, it is to find a light that connects us with something greater, a light that brings hope, a light that makes the flame of wanting to continue living and fighting.

Although at some moments in life, the light does not seem to be present, you may need to seek moments of spirituality in your life. Hardly an inner light will be born in you if you don't believe in good things and don't spread them. If your heart feels like a stone, enraged, with hatred and rancor.

Don't blame people who feel that way, maybe they have their reasons. But don't feed negative feelings that only destroy your strength and your sacred divine. Feed good feelings, even if the days seem difficult for you. Seek your inner light. Light a candle inside you.

What to do in times of crisis?

The search for inner light in times of crisisThere is no magic formula that will make this moment disappear or disappear from your life. Each person reacts in a different way. The fact that many people manage to turn a moment of crisis into an opportunity to really see what they want out of life.

These moments usually signify the increase of the inner flame that we have inside us. It is when the candle seems to be going out, that we withdraw within ourselves, in the greatest depths and storms and face our fear. The fear of failing, of continuing, the fear of others. At this moment, the only solution is to face the ghosts that we ourselves have created and not let the light go out.

What are you doing to find your inner light? Are you trying to change the reality in which you are not happy? Are you diagnosing errors? Realizing that successes and failures exist, but that change can change the course of our life? And if the external cannot be changing, are you changing yourself?

The only advice is: do not give up. Even if it's still difficult to find that inner light, don't give up on a new path, a new chance to change and improve your life.

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