The revolution in 21 days…

In our case here, on Planet Earth, in all countries and places, we are experiencing a planetary transactional moment that is undoubtedly already a milestone in Human life. Everyone will remember these times as the DAY THE EARTH STOPPED, days of "quarantine".

A time indicated for the great individual transformations, to then be circulated among the communities and in the field of the Collective for the reconstruction of a new habit or new pattern of behavior, found by the “isolation” and “silencing” (silencing the mind), to listen to the heart.

These moments to be revealed to you what is the REVOLUTION that you need to make inside you to transform your moment of stagnation or need for immediate change, for so long you procrastinated.

Now is the time to delve deeper, to dive in, to go deep… Of yourself.

The revolution in 21 days…
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

Honoring ancient cultures and ritualistic practices, the time known as necessary to deepen a study or apply a proposal to change and transform something has always been the period of 21 days, the minimum time to establish a new habit and change the paradigm in the psyche.

When Master Massao Usui connected with Reiki energy, he did 21 days of fasting and practice to understand in the application the importance and extent of what he had connected. In the various Spanish religious rites, 21 days are applied to establish the precepts of the seated Deities, 21 days can be the time for you to change your diet, or start physical activity, or start meditation training. 21 is a minimum time to fast, when you want to start a process of transformation. This varies a lot from person to person and needs 3 steps: GOAL, DETERMINATION AND WILL POWER.

We were invited to FAS, just like indigenous peoples do when they want to connect with the DIVINE, through their sacred medicines, aiwaska, rape. Initiation takes place by fasting for at least 21 days.

In 2018 I was at Aldeia Yawanawa, and I was able to hear the stories of the 1st Woman Pajé in a village predominantly led by men. She fasted for a year to meet her Divine Potential and then transform the entire history of a People, with its arts and beauties.

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Making a correlation between our Quarantine with the practice of 21 days for changes, I feel that the way to carry out our process of inner change is necessary to make the necessary breaks from everything that needs to be released. True process of DES ATTACHMENT, letting go of what keeps trapped by pure vanity, ego, materiality.

REMEMBER: 21 days is the minimum time required for the move.

But you can start NOW.

Telling my story, I made, and still have been continuing, a conscious effort to regain control over my health and my body, since, living a lot of spirituality, I understood that my body is the home of my spirit. So what should I do in life but take care of my TEMPLE?

I've never been a fan of extreme diets, because I've always had little weight throughout my life, I've always been thin. But 2 years ago I lost a lot of weight and I'm at my lowest weight for the first time since I've known myself on Earth. These facts were due to several changes that occurred in my life from 1 to 2017, which made me lose weight, including my decision to change my diet, abandon the consumption of red meat, gluten, and other foods that do not add vitamins to my body.

I needed to remove food to change habits and now I'm including food to maintain the physical health of the body, a true REVOLUTION in the kitchen, in the way I eat and seek what is really good for my body.

Life brings us the opportunity to always change, and when my daughter turned 14, I also felt the need to change habits and be an example for her, regarding the consumption of food and drinks.

DIET, or fasting, which has been practiced for so many millennia, has always been practiced to enter into renewal and purification of the body and mind, so when we enter the "diet or fasting" of something, whatever nature the purpose is, let it be done with awareness of what needs to change to awaken.

Diet is the deprivation of something that we love a lot and that, for numerous reasons, it is important to experience in order to transform and innovate…

Take the opportunity to also follow the diet of external voices, those voices that come from outside and that often lead you astray. Stop listening to complaints, the mimis, including those who also come from within. NO COMPLAINING… be crying out for the lack of something, or for something that you feel is not good, or for fixed ideas.

Less complaining and more ACTION.

Do something to change what is not good, you are not a victim of any process, nor are you guilty. We are the reality of our own creation, what to complain about if you are the one who chooses what you want to live?

Believe that DIET will transform your life and your body, change your habits and change your life..

I chose the Plant Kingdom, the FOOD, the FLORA, as my sources of understanding and understanding of my Awakening and my Personal Diet. And I find in Nature the most delicious flavors, aromas and colors to organize myself with my seeds and my fruits in me!

The revolution in 21 days…
Pexels/THE 5TH

Every day I feel that I can harmonize with everything the Earth gives me, and this has become my medicine.

And you, choose which Revolution you want to make in your life and for 21 days be FAITHFUL to your TRUTH, be honest with yourself. This is not for you to see an ideal result and the best of all worlds, let's be realistic. This is just a training for you to apply something that is really good for you and what is around you.

When we change, everything changes!

Remember that everything is changeable, dynamic, circular, soluble, vulnerable, don't fixate on anything and stay connected with the Greater Energy that connects you to your heart.

Commit to yourself and your goal!
And for 21 days perform the action!
Persistence in continuing after this training period is the Key to the success of your endeavor.

Good luck

~Claudia Regina
Psychologist and Integrative Therapist
Marco Borges inspiration
written by feel

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