The responsibility to maintain (and end) a relationship

Nobody starts a relationship thinking it's going to end. As much as our minds believe that happy endings only exist in movies, the beginning of a relationship is usually marked by the euphoria of conquest, the joy of discovery and the pleasure of passion.

It is not common to think of the relationship as a responsibility, after all, we already have so many responsibilities in life, why would we want one more? But believe me, there is a emotional responsibility too big when asking β€œDo you want to stay/date with me?” or by cracking a smile and saying 'yes'.

The responsibility to maintain (and end) a relationship

Emotional responsibility – do you have it?

To relate to someone is to share a little of your essence and share the essence of the other, with intimacy. It's not just the touch, kiss or sex that are remarkable in a relationship, we are trying to draw attention to something latent: memories. A smile, a cry or a caress can live in someone's memory forever, even if the love ends.

That's why we need to take responsibility when saying "I love you" or accepting a request like that. You don't know what the person went through before meeting you, the ups and downs they went through emotionally and what that relationship could mean to them. You may just be with someone to keep you company, but have you ever thought that you can be that someone's whole world?

In this world of social networks and competition to show β€œwho is happier”, relationships are often intense and fleeting. In November we are madly in love with each other, but in February we had an argument and that was all over. Maybe it's over for you, but is it over for him/her too?

Before giving yourself to a love or accepting the love of the other you need to ask yourself if you have responsibility for the feelings of others, or at least if you have the courage to know how to say goodbye.

Ending a Relationship – The Power of Goodbye

The responsibility to maintain (and end) a relationship

Not everyone is mature enough to understand the size of the responsibility that it is to maintain a relationship, after all, we start to relate at a very young age when we still don't have our personality and character formed. But learning how to end a relationship is a lesson we need to take with us for life – and it also helps build our character.

When love or passion ends, it is necessary to know how to say goodbye. It's the least you can do for the person you've lived a story with, however brief it may be. Nobody is forced to be with anyone and often love ends, yes, that's something natural. But it may have ended just for you. We see daily relationships that end without a goodbye, where someone just disappears, doesn't answer, doesn't respond, ignores. It's easier to ignore it than to face the situation and justify why you're going to abandon this journey you've made together. And more cowardly too.

It's okay to want to break up, no one needs to be with someone they don't love anymore, but have you ever thought what's going to go through the other person's head for not having the slightest idea why you left? This is the power of an endpoint. It is more honest with the feelings of others to say that you no longer love, that you want to be alone or that you are interested in someone else than to simply delete him from your life as if he never existed.

Unfortunately, the question mark you leave in someone else's life for not having the courage to say goodbye can leave a pain and bitterness that lingers for much longer than you realize. So take responsibility for the feelings of others. Treat with affection the emotions of those who love you before, during and after the end of love.

Love doesn't come out of the other's chest with the speed of a "delete" you press on the keyboard, love is too real to be treated as a mere relationship status in someone's life.

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