the purity of the soul

Have you ever stopped to think about your soul's relationship to original sin?

I believe that our soul aims to learn virtues related to love, experiencing the most diverse emotions as a way to evolve towards unconditional love.

And how important is that? Absolutely whole, because your whole life is a reflection of this journey of your soul.

First of all, understand one thing:

– Duality is a feature of our plan, of our life here in this material reality, limited for the time being to this little blue planet.

the purity of the soul
Photo by Romina FarĂ­as on Unsplash

Good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong. All human concepts, created by humans as a way to allow our soul this incredible experience of being good or bad, right or wrong.

Our soul does not recognize any of this and much less exists a good or bad soul. Again, this is a human thing.

The soul is pure love and within every human being there is a soul.

Concepts such as a bad soul or soulless soul are part of the religious imagination that is based on the fact that the greatest love in the universe, the Creative Source, or if you prefer God, is capable of judging, condemning and punishing his creation for eternity. God did not give us free will to later judge our choices.

The fact is, whether to live the life of Bill Gates, Hitler, Gandhi or Buddha, there will always be a pure soul just wanting to “play” in this amusement park. Imagine an endless line of souls waiting to come and live this madness we call life, with all its ups and downs.

Another important point about souls is that they can also participate in the learning and evolution of another soul and this is the explanation for premature deaths. It may seem difficult to accept, but nothing in this universe is by chance, and when a person dies, it is part of that soul's mission, wrapped in a set of other learnings and experiences of other souls. Even understand that even a suicidal person also has a soul, the point is that our upbringing is so dysfunctional that in certain situations the human can't deal with duality, or maybe even get tired of so much self repression and surrender to condemnation, without even knowing that it all only exists in your head.

Our souls come to this plane to learn through pain and challenges, and all of our early education is based on repression and condemnation.

Osho was one of the first to cite this so forcefully in the West, and the fact is that it makes a lot of sense.

The child is born pure and free, but he learns that he needs to be good so he doesn't go to hell. Or because otherwise the boogeyman will come get it. Or that Santa Claus will not bring the desired gift. The latter is great, right, because if the child is born into a simpler home, as in 70% or more of homes around the world, he already assumes that he has done something wrong, because it is obvious that the parents will not have money to buy what she wants. Therefore, condemnation! Then she represses her wills and desires so as not to be condemned even more.

the purity of the soul
Photo by Skitterphoto no Pexels

We learn to accept condemnation as something natural, and even if it comes from religious culture, it is seen as something natural, part of the cycle of life, being condemned or not by God. We became excellent judges because if we were made in the image and likeness of God, then we must also judge and condemn. See where this is going? More than ten thousand years of wars, and always in the name of some deity.

But remember, this is part of the soul's fun package. That's why they line up to be here.

Another important point is that even when we refer to religion, it is extremely important to understand that each reality is part of this learning of the soul, and that includes all religions, dogmas and doctrines. Every human being enjoys his faith as a form of evolution towards love. In other words, each one has the God he needs and not what he deserves. Nobody deserves to be judged, condemned and punished, but this belief is part of every evolution, and getting rid of it, even more without judging, is one of the great enlightenments.

But what about love on this physical and material plane, where is love? Well, where's the love?

He's in everything, actually. Love is an energy, a vibration that is present throughout the universe. The particles of light, or strings (from string theory) are the energetic matrix of the entire universe and they are nothing more than the pure energy of Unconditional Love. This matrix composes the quarks, these compose the protons, electrons, neutrons and finally we arrive at the atoms.

the purity of the soul
Photo by Snapwire not Pexels

In religious teaching and in our basic education, there is an exchange, an obligation, in which we must be good so as not to be condemned. And being good simply means repression.

How can a four or five-year-old child be aware of anything, if even you who are reading this text have no real idea of ​​what your own conscience is and what your deepest beliefs and convictions are? There is not. You don't understand why so many desires are unfulfilled and why so many challenges are faced in your life. And why are we going to repress the child in their purest naivety and creativity. Because as Osho said, that doesn't matter to a system based on control, and that's how our society works. This has nothing to do with conspiracy theory, that's how it is and that's it. Remember, we are living in a reality where duality is everything.

Eve did not eat any apples and condemned humanity to misfortunes, diseases and a whole series of misfortunes. The Bible states that after the tree of wisdom, God hid the tree of immortality, otherwise man/woman would be immortal like God, and this is unacceptable. “I am a jealous God,” said the Creator. From this moment on, the great evolution is to look at this doctrine with unconditional love and understand that everything is fun for our soul. How can the greatest love in the universe be jealous? It cannot, but this allows each one to have the god or faith they deserve from their soul's mission, even if it imprisons life to a reality of endless challenges, and that can indeed change.

So what do you look for in the other? Love? No, control, possessiveness and then its biggest reflex, jealousy.

Do you realize how complex this is, and how the origin of this belief is exactly where love is said to exist?

Do you know why one of humanity's greatest fears is that of poverty? Because domination takes place through financial power, and if I am poor, I can be dominated. Domination has always existed and in the beginning it was by physical force.

the purity of the soul
Photo by namo deet no Pexels

Osho understood perfectly how the whole construction of our society, especially the western one, is deep down very dysfunctional, and what is the result of all this? Fear, and here comes anger, a direct reflection of fear, and with that comes domination, wars, death and here we are.

Can you identify the repressions that are part of your conscious? Everything you learned in childhood?

All of them actually pull you away from true love, and this leads you to create the most incredible and powerful challenges in your life.

If by any chance you think this is not success, it's time to change your paradigms and start creating joy instead of challenges, and it all starts with love for you, and not for anyone else. Gasparetto said with great grace that misfortune is also a success, only inverted, because we need to be very good to create the incredible challenges we face.

And what are we learning from all this? That we must repress our essence, give up our desires and dreams, take care of everything and everyone before ourselves so as not to be judged and thrown into hell.

the purity of the soul
Photo by David Garrison from Pexels

But that's where original sin comes in, so, even if there is no repression, we are already born condemned, period. Of course, this all generates a potential fear, for what is really right and wrong? We do not know. And fear generates what? Anger, a lot of anger.

Understand, selfishness is a word that was created to take away our personal power.

First you save yourself, resolve your issues and re-encounter the true love that is your essence. The first consequence of this is benevolence, compassion and tolerance, and there we are talking about a new consciousness that includes not only men, but the entire planet and the entire universe. There is no violence, no anger, no revolt. There is only love, but from our conscience, and from our essence, never as an obligation to avoid condemnation.

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We have never had such a unique opportunity to allow this awareness to spread, just at a time when everyone is confined to their homes dealing with their conscience with nowhere to go.

I imagined now the Universe begging you to wake up! And I also imagined the Universe waiting for us all to awaken to this new consciousness.

This may not make much sense, but this is reality within the illusion that we ourselves have created.


With love,

Alexandre Lourenção

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