The problem of refugees and immigrants who are dying in the Mediterranean

    Much has been heard and read about the plight of refugees and migrants who, when trying to flee Syria and other countries in conflict, die in the Mediterranean. In 2015 alone, more than 470 people crossed the Mediterranean in an attempt to reach Europe, twice as many as in 2014, according to the International Organization for Migration, also known by the acronym IOM.

    An estimated 1.700 immigrants and refugees died last year. The problem lies in the way they try to leave their home countries. Overall, they put real fortunes and everything they own into the hands of people smugglers and cross the Mediterranean aboard extremely precarious, dangerous and overcrowded vessels.

    Every day some immigrants are rescued by commercial ships and coastal boats. Recently, Europe has made its borders impenetrable. They were closed in an attempt to prevent their illegal crossing and entry, and the difficulties and risks are many to get to a safe place where they can reestablish their lives.

    Most refugees come from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Sudan. Most of these people were persecuted, tortured and threatened with death if they decided to remain on their land.

    The problem of refugees and immigrants who are dying in the Mediterranean

    We can say that this is a completely complex scenario. It is a matter of human rights and humanitarian to help these people who are so in need of care. It would be necessary for the richest countries to adopt together a policy that would guarantee an effective solution for refugees and immigrants. Furthermore, in order to save as many lives as possible, the countries of Europe would have to launch an operation now to save those trying to cross the sea.

    It is important to be aware that these refugees will not stop leaving their countries of origin to escape poverty and all the persecution they face. Opportunities for a dignified life should be given to these people.

    The lives of these individuals are fraught with suffering and pain. The harsh conditions and the instinct for survival mean that these immigrants go through situations of deprivation in all areas, putting themselves in danger zones, running the risk of getting sick, starving and contracting traumas that are difficult to overcome.

    Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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