The power of our materialization

    I was at the beach the other day. In fact, I was in an apartment with my sister and my niece. The day had been a lot of work for me, as I do online appointments anyway. But throughout the day, I noticed that my sister was complaining a lot.

    We haven't lived together for many years, so I don't know if that's her modus operandi. But she complained about absolutely everything that happened during the day: the sun was too hot, the neighbor was smoking on the porch, she was washing too many dishes, and so on.

    I decided not to get into that energy and I was fine with mine. Around 21pm, a huge flying cockroach enters through the window. I lived there a whole year, spent more holidays there than I ever did in my own house, and never a cockroach came in while I was there.

    I understand, it was quite hot that day. But why don't these things happen on other hot days and on that day, with that excess of complaining, it happened?

    The power of our materialization
    SanneBerg / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    We have the power to materialize things. It's what I believe, it's what I see happening all the time. When I want an answer from the universe, I ask for butterflies, and I always see beautiful butterflies answering my questions. Right now, as I'm talking to you, there's a huge one in my laundry room.

    So why couldn't excessive complaining, bad moods and bad times in life materialize a cockroach? The universe responds to what we emanate. When we emanate negative feelings, we receive not so positive animals.

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    Start noticing when these things happen to you. Possibly you created that manifestation in your life moments before, days before, or even years before. The cockroach example is a very small thing, but it can also happen with big things. Accidents, robberies or finding money on the street. You create your reality with everything you think and especially with what you say.

    Pray and watch, Jesus would say!

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