The Power of I Am

 Everything is at the source, which is the construction of the โ€œIโ€. It is often necessary to deconstruct and rebuild, for a new memory of life. The sensations of each stage of life are fundamental for the construction of a much larger world. They are recorded in the unconscious and reflect all this information from actions and attitudes. They reveal everything about a person.
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We are human beings. Beings wanting to learn more to evolve on a path that happens between trials, errors and successes that enhance the evolutionary history of a being. It is in the story of life that everything happens. A lot of attention to what comes each day making every minute essential, for that is what makes the world bigger. So, we begin to respect the minutes and the seconds, valuing all moments and events as they need to be. Thus, we create a life of great luminosity, because only from a new source will we have a new way of living.

If you continue in the same situation in which you arrived in this world, you will be at the center of the โ€œknotโ€ that you built yourself. To disconnect from the โ€œknotโ€, or the difficulty, it is necessary to do more, act more and know more, because only then will you have a full and extraordinary life.

The Power of I Am

It is the power over oneself that gives activated life energy to a person. It's what she achieves in a universe that makes her free to be and sets her apart for something much greater. So, live, in fact, a full and energetic mission, rich in balance and harmony, developing in the constancy of life's events.

Life only becomes something greater when the source takes its power. The look of peace becomes daily and harmony becomes the companion for every day of life.

This is how we can change and transform life. A lion only assumes his power when he realizes that he was born to win through the strength that exists within himself, so he faces fear and takes risks in order to launch himself into a life full of light.

Mistakes and successes will happen. Be willing to learn, starting with the first step. On a long journey, the first step is the most challenging. It is at this time that the great โ€œpower of the I amโ€ needs to manifest. Only you can be great, through yourself.

Love & Light!


Fraternal hug!

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