the power of excellence

    Are you an excellent person?

    Before you start reading this article, please leave your answer in the comments.

    Your answer to this simple question is very important, as it will have a huge impact on the quality of your relationships, your prosperity and your professional life.

    If your answer, for example, was “no”, surely it is because you confused excellence with “being perfect” or with “not making mistakes”.

    Well, being afraid of making mistakes is not excellence, it's perfectionism. Hailed by many as a virtue, perfectionism is actually a neurosis, something that binds our being to a single question:

    “What will others think of me?”, or in other words: “How will I be evaluated?”.

    the power of excellenceOnce, a reporter asked the Dalai Lama how he managed to give a lecture to more than 5000 people at the UN, including doctors and professors, without being afraid of making a mistake and he replied:

    – I speak as if I'm talking to 5 people and, because of that, I feel calm and relaxed.

    – How can you do that?

    – It is very simple, I ask myself: “How can I be useful?”, “How can I serve these people?”.

    That's being excellent!

    Those who are excellent are not afraid of making mistakes, nor of being judged, they only put themselves at the service of a Greater Force, they only become a channel.

    Now, I have some bad news for you:

    “It's no use being excellent in one area and doing things 'on the fly' in others. An apple that has a rotten part contaminates the healthy apples in the basket.”

    Then excellence is holographic, that is, you need to give your best in everything, whether in your profession or in a simple dishwashing.

    Ah, but I also have very good news for you: excellence will give you tranquility, fluidity, disposition and harmony.

    Through excellence, you will raise your vibrational pattern, fulfill your dreams and enter “a new heaven and a new earth”.

    Then do you want to be excellent? Ask these 3 questions in every situation:

    – How can I be helpful?

    – How do I do my best?

    – How do I become a channel?

    Well, as this article is already very long, you can watch my video about excellence by clicking here: HAPPY AND FULL.

    the power of excellence

    Oh! And if you really want to be great from now on, how about sharing it all with the people you love the most?

    Feel yourself hugged.


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