The power of emotions in a baby's development

    Babies' brains begin to develop when the fetus is only 18 days old. Nerve cells are the first to be formed, followed by neurons. During this method, the fetus ends up producing many more nerve cells than it really needs, and because they are not stimulated, most of them end up dying. Because of this, it is essential to talk, sing and even put on music during pregnancy. Thus, the baby that is developing in the mother's belly enhances its intelligence.

    The power of emotions in a baby's development

    Emotions are as important as these attitudes, especially in the first days and years of life. Since the 50s, in the midst of World War II, scientists began to observe that the absence of love and emotions in general, on the part of the mother during a child's childhood, ended up causing them to become hostile, depressed adults. , violent and with several relationship problems with other people, even the closest ones. Therefore, the ideal is that these babies receive a formation rich in love and affection, empathic and safe, with the objective of establishing closer and richer family ties. The so-called “Principles for Intuitive Education” help parents and children to promote a healthier and safer relationship. Know some important points.

    The feeding process must be done with a lot of respect and love. It is also very important that the baby's or child's requests are listened to with sensitivity, thus seeking to establish balance in the family's life.

    Maintaining caring attitudes throughout the child's development is another principle of this relationship. Children should also feel safe during sleep, as parents should value emotional and physical quality.

    Parents must live in harmony. Family environments with negative feelings influence the formation of this new being, and interfere a lot in the child's emotional and social development, even in adulthood.

    In general, mothers are largely responsible for forming a secure attachment. For this, reliable, stable and affective relationships must be developed. A natural type of delivery, care during childhood, longer breastfeeding, and a loving and peaceful environment favor the good end of this process. However, there are no pre-established standards or rules that must be followed. Each family has a unique way of treating their babies, but always remembering that common sense must be used.

    I believe that all parents care about the kind of planet we are leaving for our children. They represent the future, an infinite possibility of growth and love. Currently, scientists are already able to prove that individuals raised with more love become more respected, affectionate and calm adults.

    And good feelings will reflect not only on your family, but on society as a whole. Affection, attention, love, affection, good examples, care and respect are essential. But we also must not fail to impose limits, discipline and rules. Prohibition of the most dysfunctional behaviors are essential for the formation of a good temperament in your child.

    Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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