The power of ancestral lineage

Dear friend, have you ever noticed how in some families people tend to develop cancer? In other families, people tend to develop obesity and diabetes or heart disease…

Or maybe you have friends and colleagues at work whose family is all single women, or divorcees, or widows…

Scientists have studied and researched, in recent years, ways to predict whether a person will develop certain diseases in the future, especially through genetic mapping. Currently, many diagnostic centers are even buying the patent on certain tests that are already available so that people can do this mapping only in their centers.

The power of ancestral lineage

However, in this case we are dealing with the disease manifested in the physical body, as our genetic code is made up of a group of proteins and molecules organized in a specific way. But we know that a disease first starts on the energetic level several years before it starts to appear in the physical body.

And what about the emotional patterns that a person and their entire family have? Entire families of people living in solitude, with depression, drug addicts…

What about the Higher Purpose of each soul living in such conditions?

How can we prevent our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren from being influenced by the negative tendencies that are perpetuated through the family lineage?

How to make them receive only the positive force of our lineage?

It's time to unlock the full power of your family line!

In this course you will be able to:

  • Freeing yourself from the past – yours and that of your ancestors – that generated difficulties and suffering.
  • Strengthen your Clan's Power within yourself, bringing more health, happiness and prosperity.
  • Create Prosperity in your future and in the lives of your descendants.
  • Restore Harmony and Peace among your ancestors - who may already be on other planes of existence.
  • Accomplish your true Life Mission.

The power of ancestral lineage

What is the difference between this course and the family constellation? 

  • In this course there is no representation of personal life situations by the participants.
  •  In this course there is no analysis of your individual process by the other participants.
  •  In this course, we will cover your past, your present and your future, in all areas of your life, and we will also reveal your Greater Predestination.
  • In this course, we have the guidance and full support of true shamans, from the oldest tradition of shamanism in Asia, who will work with your personal situation individually.
  • They are shamans of great experience, who have worked with the family karma of thousands of people for over 25 years, around the world, bringing back happiness, prosperity and health to all family members.
  • No use of herbs or hallucinogenic drugs.
  • You will receive spiritual practices to help you release the past, strengthen the Power of your Clan within yourself, practices to materialize your desires and fulfill your Life Purpose.

Text written by: Paula Hayashi, associated with Holoclínica


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