The opposite side of gratitude!

    For some people it may seem very obvious and for others not so much, but it is important to state that gratitude is like a coin and it has two sides. The opposite side of gratitude is complaining.

    When we complain, we are being ungrateful and, because we are not being grateful, we vibrate at a lower frequency, so it is useless for you to say that you practice gratitude and at the same time spend the day complaining about misfortunes. Whether small problems or big challenges, if we turn our energy to complaining about these issues, we move away from the vibration of gratitude.

    The fact is not that you have to like your problems, you will learn to accept them to vibrate at another frequency. You can take on a challenge and learn to be grateful for the opportunity for growth it can give you.

    The opposite side of gratitude!
    AntonioGuillem / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    However, if you focus on the bad fact that a certain issue presents itself, the solution may take a long time to arrive and it is unlikely that you will be able to learn good lessons from the situation.

    Therefore, if we really want to practice gratitude, it is important that we practice non-complaint, as it is part of the state of grace we want to live in.

    Starting today, commit to yourself to avoid complaining, to stop complaining when you're complaining, and to get out of that energy when you've already complained, as we often spend our entire day in the energy of complaining. Commit to no longer spending the entire day with this energy. Commit to spending more time with the energy of gratitude and believe that solutions to your problems will come and your life will improve.

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    Learn to deal with both sides of the gratitude coin, learn to deal with complaining, and you can co-create a much more abundant reality than the one you've already been creating.

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